Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 36 47.2

line true false branch
21 0 0 unless (defined $Apache::ASP::Server::OLESupport)
23 0 0 if ($@) { }
30 0 0 unless ($Apache::ASP::Server::OLESupport)
35 0 0 unless ($name)
58 1 2 if (ref $file) { }
59 1 0 if ($$file{'File'})
65 3 0 defined $file_found ? :
93 0 35 unless defined $toencode
96 1 34 if (ref $toencode) { }
108 1 34 ref $toencode ? :
113 0 0 if (ref($code) =~ /^CODE/) { }
114 0 0 if $$self{'asp'}{'dbg'}
129 0 0 $subr ? :
141 1 3 if ($url =~ s/\?(.*)$//is)
148 1 0 if ($$asp{'session_url'} and $$asp{'session_id'} and not $$asp{'session_cookie'})
150 1 0 if ($match and $url =~ /$match/ or $url =~ m[^/] and $url =~ /^$$asp{'cookie_path'}/ or not $url =~ m[^[^\?\/]+?:])
171 1 4 ref $v && ref $v eq 'ARRAY' ? :
177 3 1 if (@query)