Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 54 110 49.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
36 69 0 0 $$asp{'compressgzip'} && $$asp{'headers_in'}->get('Accept-Encoding') =~ /gzip/io
125 0 0 2 defined $name and defined $key
0 0 2 defined $name and defined $key and defined $value
0 0 0 defined $name and defined $key
179 54 0 0 $$asp{'xslt'} and not $$asp{'errs'}
187 54 0 0 $$self{'FormFill'} and not $$asp{'errs'}
192 54 0 0 $$self{'Clean'} and $$self{'ContentType'} =~ /$Apache::ASP::Response::TextHTMLRegexp/o
217 43 0 11 $$asp{'Session'} and not $$asp{'session_cookie'}
43 10 1 $$asp{'Session'} and not $$asp{'session_cookie'} and $$asp{'session_url_parse'}
10 0 1 $$asp{'Session'} and not $$asp{'session_cookie'} and $$asp{'session_url_parse'} and $$self{'ContentType'} =~ /^text/i
256 43 0 0 $$self{'CompressGzip'} and $asp->LoadModule('Gzip', 'Compress::Zlib')
278 0 0 1 $$self{'Status'} >= 200 and $$self{'Status'} < 400
419 3 0 0 $$asp{'Session'} and $$asp{'session_url_parse'}
470 44 3 0 defined $status and $status == 401
479 40 7 0 $dbg and defined $status
522 0 47 0 not $$asp{'filter'} and !defined($status) || $status >= 200 && $status < 400
572 9 0 1 $k eq 'secure' and $v
605 1 1 0 defined $$cookie{'Value'} and not ref $$cookie{'Value'}
615 0 1 2 defined $$cookie{'Value'} and not ref $$cookie{'Value'}
713 0 0 3 $$self{'CH'} and not $$self{'header_done'}
0 1 2 $$self{'CH'} and not $$self{'header_done'} and not $$content_out
1 0 2 $$self{'CH'} and not $$self{'header_done'} and not $$content_out and $$self{'ContentType'} =~ /$Apache::ASP::Response::TextHTMLRegexp/o
768 34 4 35 ref $file and ref $file eq 'HASH'
932 3 0 0 $match and $rel_url =~ /$match/
1 0 2 $rel_url =~ m[^/] and $rel_url =~ /^$$asp{'cookie_path'}/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
36 1 68 &config($asp, 'CgiHeaders') || 0
0 69 &config($asp, 'Clean') || 0
144 0 0 $$self{'Cookies'}{$name} || {}
333 0 0 &config($asp, 'XSLTMatch') || '^.'
563 1 2 $$cookie{'Path'} ||= '/'
649 0 0 $, ||= ''
835 0 0 $cache_expires || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
230 46 0 0 eval { do { &Time::HiRes::time() } } || time
278 53 0 1 not defined $$self{'Status'} or $$self{'Status'} >= 200 and $$self{'Status'} < 400
522 44 0 3 !defined($status) || $status >= 200 && $status < 400
684 263 0 7 $$self{'Buffer'} or $$self{'FormFill'}
770 35 0 0 $$data{'File'} || $asp->Error('no File key passed to Include(), keys ' . join(',', keys %$file))
932 0 0 3 $match and $rel_url =~ /$match/ or $rel_url =~ m[^/] and $rel_url =~ /^$$asp{'cookie_path'}/
2 1 0 $match and $rel_url =~ /$match/ or $rel_url =~ m[^/] and $rel_url =~ /^$$asp{'cookie_path'}/ or not $rel_url =~ m[^[^\?\/]+?:]