Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 158 286 55.2

line true false branch
36 0 69 $$asp{'compressgzip'} && $$asp{'headers_in'}->get('Accept-Encoding') =~ /gzip/io ? :
92 0 3 if ($lc_name eq 'set-cookie') { }
97 1 2 if ($lc_name eq 'content-type') { }
1 1 elsif ($lc_name eq 'cache-control') { }
1 0 elsif ($lc_name eq 'expires') { }
112 0 55 if $$self{'Debug'}
117 0 0 if $_[0]{'asp'}{'dbg'}
125 2 0 if (defined $name and defined $key and defined $value) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $name and defined $key) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $name) { }
129 0 0 if (ref $key) { }
145 0 0 ref $cookie ? :
164 2 47 if $$self{'Ended'}++
175 51 3 if $$asp{'GlobalASA'}{'exists'}
179 0 54 if ($$asp{'xslt'} and not $$asp{'errs'})
180 0 0 if $$asp{'dbg'}
182 0 0 if $$asp{'dbg'}
183 0 0 if $$asp{'errs'}
187 0 54 if ($$self{'FormFill'} and not $$asp{'errs'})
189 0 0 if $$asp{'errs'}
192 0 54 if ($$self{'Clean'} and $$self{'ContentType'} =~ /$Apache::ASP::Response::TextHTMLRegexp/o)
194 0 0 unless (defined $Apache::ASP::CleanSupport)
196 0 0 if ($@) { }
206 0 0 if ($Apache::ASP::CleanSupport)
208 0 0 if ($h) { }
217 1 10 if ($$asp{'Session'} and not $$asp{'session_cookie'} and $$asp{'session_url_parse'} and $$self{'ContentType'} =~ /^text/i)
227 46 8 if ($$self{'Ended'})
231 7 39 if $$asp{'dbg'}
234 0 46 if (&config($asp, 'TimeHiRes'))
235 0 0 if ($$self{'ContentType'} =~ /$Apache::ASP::Response::TextHTMLRegexp/o)
236 0 0 if (&config($asp, 'Debug'))
246 45 9 unless ($$self{'header_done'})
250 43 2 if ($$self{'Ended'})
253 43 0 unless ($$asp{'filter'})
256 0 43 if ($$self{'CompressGzip'} and $asp->LoadModule('Gzip', 'Compress::Zlib'))
268 0 54 if ($$asp{'filter'}) { }
278 54 0 if (not defined $$self{'Status'} or $$self{'Status'} >= 200 and $$self{'Status'} < 400)
285 8 46 unless $$self{'Ended'}
298 0 0 if $$asp{'dbg'}
299 0 0 unless $asp->LoadModule('FormFill', 'HTML::FillInForm')
305 0 0 $$asp{'dbg'} ? :
313 0 0 if ($@) { }
316 0 0 if $$asp{'dbg'}
331 0 0 unless length $$xml_out
334 0 0 unless $$asp{'filename'} =~ /$$asp{'xslt_match'}/
337 0 0 if $$asp{'dbg'}
339 0 0 if $$asp{'dbg'}
340 0 0 if $$asp{'errs'}
345 0 0 if $$asp{'dbg'}
349 0 0 if ($@)
360 1 107 unless $$self{'IsClientConnected'}
370 0 107 unless ($$self{'asp'}{'Request'})
378 1 106 $conn->aborted ? :
380 106 1 if ($is_connected)
382 0 106 if (defined $fileno)
391 0 0 select($bits, undef, undef, 0) > 0 ? :
392 0 0 unless ($is_connected)
393 0 0 if $$self{'asp'}{'dbg'}
399 1 106 unless ($is_connected)
400 0 1 if $$self{'asp'}{'dbg'}
413 0 3 if $$asp{'dbg'}
419 0 3 if ($$asp{'Session'} and $$asp{'session_url_parse'})
421 0 0 if $$asp{'dbg'}
435 1 2 if (&config($asp, 'SoftRedirect')) { }
461 0 48 if $$self{'header_done'}
464 7 41 if $dbg
465 3 45 if defined $status
468 1 47 if &config($asp, 'NoHeaders')
470 0 47 if (defined $status and $status == 401) { }
471 0 0 if $dbg
479 0 47 if $dbg and defined $status
482 0 47 if (defined $$self{'Charset'}) { }
488 1 46 if (%{$$self{'Cookies'};})
493 0 47 if (defined $$self{'Expires'}) { }
0 47 elsif (defined $$self{'ExpiresAbsolute'}) { }
496 0 0 if $dbg
500 0 0 if (defined $time) { }
511 0 47 if defined $$self{'PICS'}
516 47 0 unless ($r->headers_out->get('Content-type'))
522 47 0 if (not $$asp{'filter'} and !defined($status) || $status >= 200 && $status < 400)
523 7 40 if $dbg
524 1 46 if (defined $$self{'header_buffer'}) { }
529 46 0 unless ($Apache::ASP::ModPerl2)
551 0 3 if ($Apache::ASP::SessionCookieName eq $cookie_name)
560 1 2 unless (ref $cookie)
572 1 9 if ($k eq 'secure' and $v) { }
1 8 elsif ($k eq 'domain') { }
2 6 elsif ($k eq 'value') { }
1 5 elsif ($k eq 'expires') { }
3 2 elsif ($k eq 'path') { }
582 0 1 if ($v =~ /^\-?\d+$/) { }
584 0 0 if ($v > time) { }
597 0 1 if $dbg
605 0 2 if (defined $$cookie{'Value'} and not ref $$cookie{'Value'}) { }
615 2 1 if (defined $$cookie{'Value'} and not ref $$cookie{'Value'}) { }
631 6 9 unless $data[$_]
637 0 3 if $dbg
648 0 83 if (@_ > 1) { }
654 81 2 defined $_[0] ? :
670 0 270 if $$self{'Ended'}
673 3 267 if ($$self{'CH'})
684 7 0 unless ($$self{'Buffer'} or $$self{'FormFill'})
713 2 1 if ($$self{'CH'} and not $$self{'header_done'} and not $$content_out and $$self{'ContentType'} =~ /$Apache::ASP::Response::TextHTMLRegexp/o)
721 0 2 if ($status =~ m[HTTP/\d\.\d\s*(\d*)]o)
728 3 2 unless $out
730 1 1 if ($out =~ /^[^\s]+\: /) { }
731 1 0 unless (defined $$self{'header_buffer'})
768 35 38 if (ref $file and ref $file eq 'HASH')
772 0 35 if $$asp{'dbg'}
774 34 1 if ($$data{'Cache'})
779 23 11 if (ref $file) { }
785 27 7 if ($$data{'Key'}) { }
787 0 27 if $$asp{'dbg'}
789 0 7 if $$asp{'dbg'}
794 31 3 unless ($cache_clear)
796 17 14 if ($rv)
797 17 0 if $$rv{'RV'}
0 17 if (not eval { do { $$rv{'OUT'} if $$rv{'RV'} } }) { }
798 0 0 if $$asp{'dbg'}
800 0 17 if $$asp{'dbg'}
803 7 10 wantarray ? :
811 2 52 unless (defined $_CODE)
819 13 39 if (ref $eval eq 'SCALAR')
820 0 13 if $$asp{'dbg'}
825 6 33 if $$asp{'dbg'}
828 17 22 if ($cache) { }
835 0 17 if $$asp{'dbg'}
842 0 38 if ($@)
846 6 32 if $$asp{'dbg'}
848 6 32 wantarray ? :
865 0 1 if $$asp{'dbg'}
876 1 3 unless $$content_ref =~ s/ ^(.*?) # html head \< # start \s*($tags_grep)\s+ # tag itself ([^>]+) # descriptors \> # end //iosx
892 1 2 if ($temp_attribs =~ s/^\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s*//os) { }
1 1 elsif ($temp_attribs =~ s/^\s*\'([^\']*)\'\s*//os) { }
1 0 elsif ($temp_attribs =~ s/^\s*([^\s]*)\s*//os) { }
908 3 0 if (defined $rel_url)
911 3 0 if ($new_url ne $rel_url)
932 3 0 if ($match and $rel_url =~ /$match/ or $rel_url =~ m[^/] and $rel_url =~ /^$$asp{'cookie_path'}/ or not $rel_url =~ m[^[^\?\/]+?:]) { }
942 3 0 if ($rel_url =~ /^([^\?]+)(\?([^\#]*))?(\#.*)?$/) { }
944 3 0 defined $3 ? :
958 6 1 if not /^$Apache::ASP::SessionCookieName\=/
968 0 3 if ($frag)
971 0 3 if $$asp{'dbg'}