Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 18 36 50.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
63 1 6 0 $uri->can('userinfo') and $uri->userinfo
7 0 0 $uri->can('userinfo') and $uri->userinfo and not $hdrs->authorization
123 4 0 3 $res->code >= 590 and $res->code <= 599
4 0 3 $res->code >= 590 and $res->code <= 599 and $res->message
161 0 1 0 $code == 302 || $code == 303 and not $meth eq 'GET' || $meth eq 'HEAD'
174 1 0 0 $proto eq 'https' and $uri->scheme eq 'http'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
138 0 2 5 $code == 301 or $code == 302
2 0 5 $code == 301 or $code == 302 or $code == 303
2 0 5 $code == 301 or $code == 302 or $code == 303 or $code == 307
0 0 5 $code == 301 or $code == 302 or $code == 303 or $code == 307 or $code == 308
161 1 0 0 $code == 302 || $code == 303
1 0 0 $meth eq 'GET' || $meth eq 'HEAD'