Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 45 51.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
170 1 0 0 $$hdr{'content-length'} <= $self->block_size and $$first_task{'size'} == $$hdr{'content-length'}
188 3 0 1 $$hdr{'OrigStatus'} and $$hdr{'OrigStatus'} == 200
190 1 1 1 $status == 500 || $status == 503 || $status =~ /^59/ and $retry < $self->max_retries

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
152 0 1 $$first_task{'block'} || 0
153 0 1 $$first_task{'ofs'} || 0
246 0 7 $retry ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
143 0 0 1 not defined $len or $len <= 0
170 0 1 0 $$hdr{'content-length'} <= $self->block_size and $$first_task{'size'} == $$hdr{'content-length'} or $$first_task{'size'} >= $self->block_size
188 1 0 3 $$hdr{'OrigStatus'} and $$hdr{'OrigStatus'} == 200 or $$hdr{'Status'} == 200
1 0 3 $$hdr{'OrigStatus'} and $$hdr{'OrigStatus'} == 200 or $$hdr{'Status'} == 200 or $$hdr{'Status'} == 416
190 0 2 1 $status == 500 || $status == 503 || $status =~ /^59/
220 7 1 1 $$hdr{'Status'} == 206 or $$hdr{'Status'} == 200
234 0 8 0 $$task{'ctx'} ||= 'AnyEvent::Digest'->new($self->digest)
268 0 7 0 $status == 200 or $status == 206
270 0 0 7 $$task{'size'} != $$task{'tail'} - $$task{'ofs'} + 1 or not $self->on_block_finish->($hdl, $task, $self->digest ? $$task{'ctx'}->hexdigest : '')
295 0 0 0 not $status =~ /^(59.|503|500|502|200|206|)$/ or $retry > $self->max_retries