Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 30 0.0

line true false branch
32 0 0 if $secure
36 0 0 unless '200' eq $$headers{'Status'} and defined $body
49 0 0 $!{'EPIPE'} == $! ? :
51 0 0 $secure ? :
55 0 0 $secure ? :
61 0 0 unless $wsh->parse($handle->rbuf)
63 0 0 if ($wsh->is_done)
78 0 0 if $heartbeat
87 0 0 if ('4' eq $type and '/mtgox' eq $endpoint) { }
0 0 elsif ('2' eq $type and not $heartbeat) { }
0 0 elsif ('1::' eq $msg) { }
0 0 elsif ('0' eq $type) { }
0 0 elsif ('7' eq $type) { }
88 0 0 if (my $scalar = eval { do { $json->decode($data) } })
110 0 0 unless defined wantarray