Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 59 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
259 0 0 0 defined $read and $read >= 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
240 0 0 $offset ||= 0
251 0 0 &$open() or return 1
257 0 0 $$self{'read_size'} || 8192
291 0 0 &$open() or return 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
148 0 0 0 ($AnyEvent::Handle::WH{$type} ||= &AnyEvent::Handle::_load_func("${type}::anyevent_write_type")) || Carp::croak("unsupported/unloadable type '${type}' passed to AnyEvent::Handle::push_write")
152 0 0 0 ref $_[0] or @{$$self{'_writer_wbuf'};}
166 0 0 0 ($AnyEvent::Handle::WH{$type} ||= &AnyEvent::Handle::_load_func("${type}::anyevent_write_type")) || Carp::croak("unsupported/unloadable type '${type}' passed to AnyEvent::Handle::push_write")
191 0 0 0 $$self{'_ww'} || length $$self{'_wbuf'}
230 0 0 0 $$self{'tls'} or $NO_SENDFILE
239 0 0 0 $size ||= (stat $f)[7]
259 0 0 0 $!{'EAGAIN'} or $!{'EINTR'}
0 0 0 $!{'EAGAIN'} or $!{'EINTR'} or $!{'WSAEWOULDBLOCK'}
295 0 0 0 $!{'EAGAIN'} or $!{'EINTR'}
0 0 0 $!{'EAGAIN'} or $!{'EINTR'} or $!{'WSAEWOULDBLOCK'}
0 0 0 $!{'EINVAL'} or $!{'ENOSYS'}
0 0 0 $!{'EINVAL'} or $!{'ENOSYS'} or $!{'ENOTSUP'}
0 0 0 $!{'EINVAL'} or $!{'ENOSYS'} or $!{'ENOTSUP'} or $!{'EOPNOTSUPP'}
0 0 0 $!{'EINVAL'} or $!{'ENOSYS'} or $!{'ENOTSUP'} or $!{'EOPNOTSUPP'} or $!{'EAFNOSUPPORT'}
0 0 0 $!{'EINVAL'} or $!{'ENOSYS'} or $!{'ENOTSUP'} or $!{'EOPNOTSUPP'} or $!{'EAFNOSUPPORT'} or $!{'EPROTOTYPE'}
0 0 0 $!{'EINVAL'} or $!{'ENOSYS'} or $!{'ENOTSUP'} or $!{'EOPNOTSUPP'} or $!{'EAFNOSUPPORT'} or $!{'EPROTOTYPE'} or $!{'ENOTSOCK'}