Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 51 19.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
44 0 1 0 not ref $arg and defined $arg
1 0 0 not ref $arg and defined $arg and length $arg
108 0 0 1 $code >= 590 and $code <= 599
110 1 0 0 $message =~ /timed/ and $code == 599
135 1 0 0 defined $d and length $d
306 0 0 0 $referral->header('Referer') and $request->uri->scheme eq 'https'
0 0 0 $referral->header('Referer') and $request->uri->scheme eq 'https' and $referral->uri->scheme eq 'http'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
49 0 0 0 $out_req->code < 200 or 300 <= $out_req->code
59 0 0 0 $out_req->code < 200 or 300 <= $out_req->code
110 1 0 0 not defined $d or $d =~ /^\s*$/
133 0 0 0 close $fh or $cv->croak("Can't write to '${arg}': $!")
296 0 0 1 $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_FOUND
0 0 1 $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_FOUND or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_SEE_OTHER
0 0 1 $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_FOUND or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_SEE_OTHER or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT
315 0 0 0 $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_SEE_OTHER or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_FOUND
319 0 0 0 $method eq 'GET' or $method eq 'HEAD'