Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 86 22.0

line true false branch
25 0 1 if ($cache)
27 0 0 unless defined $total_capacity
44 0 1 if (not ref $arg and defined $arg and length $arg) { }
0 1 elsif (ref $arg eq 'CODE') { }
45 0 0 unless open $fh, '>', $arg
49 0 0 if ($out_req->code < 200 or 300 <= $out_req->code) { }
52 0 0 unless print $fh $d
59 0 0 if ($out_req->code < 200 or 300 <= $out_req->code) { }
64 0 0 if ($err)
100 0 0 if (scalar @v > 1)
108 1 0 if ($code >= 590 and $code <= 599)
110 0 1 if ($message =~ /timed/ and $code == 599) { }
1 0 elsif (not defined $d or $d =~ /^\s*$/) { }
130 0 1 if $content ne ''
131 1 0 unless defined $out_req
132 0 1 if defined $d
133 0 1 if defined $fh
135 0 1 if (defined $d and length $d)
139 0 0 if $skip_h{$h}
140 0 0 unless ($$h{'callback'}($out_req, $self, $h, $d))
173 0 0 ref $parameters[1] ? :
189 0 0 ref $parameters[1] ? :
227 0 1 if ($self->cookie_jar)
244 0 1 if (ref $in_req->content eq 'CODE') { }
250 0 0 if $ret eq ''
262 0 1 if ($self->conn_cache) { }
282 0 1 if $previous
284 0 1 if ($response->redirects >= $$self{'max_redirect'})
290 0 1 if (my $req = $self->run_handlers('response_redirect', $response))
296 0 1 if ($code == &HTTP::Status::RC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_FOUND or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_SEE_OTHER or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT) { }
0 1 elsif ($code == &HTTP::Status::RC_UNAUTHORIZED or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED) { }
306 0 0 if ($referral->header('Referer') and $request->uri->scheme eq 'https' and $referral->uri->scheme eq 'http')
315 0 0 if ($code == &HTTP::Status::RC_SEE_OTHER or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_FOUND)
319 0 0 unless ($method eq 'GET' or $method eq 'HEAD')
333 0 0 unless defined $referral_uri
339 0 0 if ($self->redirect_ok($referral, $response)) { }
351 0 0 $proxy ? :
353 0 0 unless (@challenge)
367 0 0 unless ($scheme =~ /^([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)$/)
377 0 0 unless (%{"${class}::";})
380 0 0 if ($@)
381 0 0 if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate/) { }
391 0 0 unless ($class->can('authenticate'))