Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 44 86.3

line true false branch
50 18 36 if ($self->parse_events and $self->can('_parse_events')) { }
62 20 16 if $self->can('_post_process_events')
66 45 9 if @events
74 47 12 if (ref $self->filter eq 'CODE') { }
6 6 elsif (ref $self->filter eq 'Regexp') { }
92 50 8 ref $args[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
97 5 53 if ref($self) =~ /^AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify/ and $self->skip_subdirs
102 2 526 unless my $stat = $self->_stat($file)
115 14 347 if (not exists $new_fs->{$path}) { }
16 331 elsif ($self->_is_path_modified($old_fs->{$path}, $new_fs->{$path})) { }
135 36 347 unless (exists $old_fs->{$path})
151 9 338 if $new_path->{'mode'} != $old_path->{'mode'}
152 141 197 if $new_path->{'is_dir'}
153 0 197 if $new_path->{'mtime'} != $old_path->{'mtime'}
154 7 190 if $new_path->{'size'} != $old_path->{'size'}
166 2 526 unless @stat
188 3 10 if ($self->backend) { }
3 7 elsif ($self->no_external) { }
7 0 elsif ($^O eq 'linux') { }
0 0 elsif ($^O eq 'darwin') { }
0 0 elsif ($^O =~ /bsd/) { }
193 2 1 unless $backend =~ s/^\+//