Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 136 15.4

line true false branch
44 36 0 if ($AnyEvent::PROTOCOL{'ipv6'} and 10 and socket my $ipv6_socket, 10, 2, 0) { }
64 72 0 if eval "Errno::$k ()"
153 0 0 unless pipe $r, $w
160 0 5 unless socketpair my $fh1, my $fh2, 1, 1, 0
228 0 0 unless $Storable::VERSION
229 0 0 unless $POSIX::VERSION
232 0 0 unless my $job = shift @fork_queue
241 0 0 unless my($r, $w) = &portable_pipe() or $forks and last
247 0 0 if ($pid != 0) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $pid) { }
0 0 elsif ($! != &Errno::EAGAIN and $! != &Errno::EWOULDBLOCK and $! != &Errno::ENOMEM or not $forks) { }
256 0 0 unless defined $len or $! != 4
258 0 0 if (not $len)
265 0 0 unless $result
288 0 0 if $@
295 0 0 unless my $len = length($result) - $ofs
298 0 0 $len < 65536 ? :
300 0 0 unless $len or not defined $len and $! == 4
392 36 0 if (not $ENV{'PERL_ANYEVENT_AVOID_GUARD'} and eval { do { require Guard; $Guard::VERSION >= 0.5 } }) { }
404 0 0 if $@
439 0 0 unless $POSIX::VERSION
442 0 0 if ($^O =~ /(freebsd|cygwin|linux)/)
445 0 0 if (opendir $dir, '/dev/fd' or opendir $dir, '/proc/self/fd')
448 0 0 if (@fds < 20 or join($", @fds) ne join(' ', 0 .. $#fds))
591 0 0 unless $POSIX::VERSION
602 0 0 $type =~ s/^(\d+)// ? :
604 0 0 if ($type eq '>') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq '<') { }
605 0 0 unless defined $fd
607 0 0 if (defined eval { do { fileno $ob } }) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $ob) { }
618 0 0 unless defined(sysread($pr, $$ob, 16384, length $$ob) && (return))
625 0 0 unless defined(sysread($pr, $buf, 16384) && (return &$ob($buf)))
631 0 0 'SCALAR' eq ref $ob ? :
635 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', $ob
642 0 0 unless defined $fd
644 0 0 if (defined eval { do { fileno $ob } }) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $ob) { }
651 0 0 if ('SCALAR' eq ref $ob) { }
663 0 0 unless defined $len or $! != 4
665 0 0 if (not $len) { }
669 0 0 unless (length $data)
671 0 0 unless (length $data)
681 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $ob
694 0 0 unless defined $pid
697 0 0 unless ($pid)
717 0 0 unless defined POSIX::dup2($v, $k)
722 0 0 if ($arg{'close_all'}) { }
730 0 0 if exists $arg{'on_prepare'}
733 0 0 ref $cmd ? :
740 0 0 if $arg{'$$'}
806 3 0 if (/[^0-9a-z\-.]/)
808 1 2 unless (defined $uts46_imap)
826 3 6 unless (vec $uts46_valid, ord $chr, 1)
829 0 3 unless (my $rep = index($uts46_imap, "\000$chr")) >= 0
832 0 3 unless substr($uts46_imap, $rep, 128) =~ /\x00 .[\x80-\xbf]* ([^\x00]*) \x00/x
836 3 0 unless $rep =~ s/^\x01// and $_[1]
852 0 0 if ($ace eq 'xn') { }
0 0 elsif (not $ace =~ /^[a-z0-9]{2}$/) { }
856 0 0 unless $pc eq Unicode::Normalize::NFC($pc)
868 0 3 if /\.-|-\./
874 3 0 if (/[^0-9a-z\-.]/)
876 0 3 unless (defined $uts46_imap)
908 2 3 unless $_[0] =~ /[^\x00-\x7f]/
913 0 3 unless eval { do { foreach $_ (split(/\./, &idn_nameprep($_[0]), -1)) { if (/[^\x00-\x7f]/) { unless (eval { do { push @output, 'xn--' . &punycode_encode($_); 1 } }) { push @output, $_; } ; } else { push @output, $_; } ; } ; 1 } }
916 3 5 if (/[^\x00-\x7f]/) { }
920 0 3 unless (eval { do { push @output, 'xn--' . &punycode_encode($_); 1 } })
961 0 0 defined $res ? :