Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 121 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
57 0 0 0 not $self->region and $self->verify_region
104 0 0 0 $key and length $key
117 0 0 0 ref $value and &reftype($value) eq "SCALAR"
222 0 0 0 @args == 1 and &reftype($args[0]) eq "HASH"
236 0 0 0 $parameters{'callback'} and &reftype($parameters{'callback'}) ne "CODE"
267 0 0 0 $parameters{'chunk_size'} && $parameters{'chunk_size'}
325 0 0 0 $Amazon::S3::Bucket::EVAL_ERROR and $parameters{'abort_on_error'}
683 0 0 0 $filename && -f $filename
776 0 0 0 not $key and length $key
800 0 0 0 ref $key and &reftype($key) eq "HASH"
817 0 0 0 @object and defined $object[0]
857 0 0 0 ref $args[0] and &reftype($args[0]) eq "HASH"
1031 0 0 0 $conf->{'acl_xml'} and $conf->{'acl_short'}
1082 0 0 0 defined $lc and $lc eq $Amazon::S3::Bucket::EMPTY
1133 0 0 0 -r $filename and $remaining
1157 0 0 0 $Amazon::S3::Bucket::OS_ERROR and $remaining

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
61 0 0 $self->get_location_constraint // "us-east-1"
294 0 0 $parameters{'headers'} || {}
637 0 0 $method ||= "GET"
672 0 0 $response->content_length || 0
725 0 0 $headers_in //= {}
755 0 0 $request_headers{'x-amz-tagging-directive'} //= "COPY"
920 0 0 $conf ||= {}
937 0 0 $conf ||= {}
949 0 0 $conf ||= {}
961 0 0 $conf ||= {}
1025 0 0 $conf ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
42 0 0 0 $options{'buffer_size'} ||= $Amazon::S3::Bucket::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
64 0 0 0 $region // $Amazon::S3::Bucket::EMPTY
126 0 0 0 $conf->{'Content-Length'} ||= -s ${$value;}
132 0 0 0 $conf->{'Content-Length'} ||= length $value
233 0 0 0 $parameters{'data'} or $parameters{'callback'}
0 0 0 $parameters{'data'} or $parameters{'callback'} or $parameters{'fh'}
238 0 0 0 $parameters{'abort_on_error'} //= $Amazon::S3::Bucket::TRUE
239 0 0 0 $parameters{'chunk_size'} //= $Amazon::S3::Bucket::MIN_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE
241 0 0 0 $parameters{'callback'} or $parameters{'fh'}
398 0 0 0 $length || length $data
736 0 0 0 not ref $headers_in or &reftype($headers_in) ne "HASH"
741 0 0 0 $source or exists $request_headers{'x-amz-copy-source'}
752 0 0 0 $bucket // $self->{'bucket'}
1028 0 0 0 $conf->{'acl_xml'} or $conf->{'acl_short'}
1041 0 0 0 $conf->{'acl_xml'} || $Amazon::S3::Bucket::EMPTY
1131 0 0 0 $stat->blksize || $buffer_size
1164 0 0 0 $buffer ||= $Amazon::S3::Bucket::EMPTY