Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 74 99 74.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
329 31 29 0 $ver and not $mod->VERSION($ver)
340 39 0 2 $mod->can("runtime_prop") and $mod->runtime_prop
39 0 0 $mod->isa("Alien::Base") and $mod->install_type("share")
365 41 0 0 $mod eq "Alien::Autotools" and $mod->can("aclocal_dir")
446 72 0 30 exists $self->hook_prop->{$name} and defined $self->hook_prop->{$name}
478 136 7 1 $env and $env ne $type
488 51 91 1 $type eq "share" and not $self->meta_prop->{'network'}
142 0 1 $type eq "share" and not $self->meta_prop->{'network'} and not $self->meta_prop->{'local_source'}
611 3 0 3 defined $extract and -d $extract
630 71 2 1 $self->meta_prop->{'out_of_source'} and $self->install_prop->{'extract'}
639 37 8 28 $count == 1 and -d $list[0]
767 0 0 4 $dir and -d $dir
1087 443 51 73 $args{'continue'} and $args{'continue'}->($value)
1092 124 0 28 $error and not $args{'all'}
1173 0 124 169 -d $self->{'dir'} and $self->{'dir'}->children == 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
27 329 10 $args{'root'} || '_alien'
339 0 $VERSION || 'dev'
60 338 0 $ENV{'ALIEN_BUILD_RC'} || '~/.alienbuild/'
192 7 3 $self->{'plugin_instance_prop'}{$instance_id} ||= {}
298 236 4 $phase ||= "any"
302 50 79 $meta->{'require'}{$phase} || {}
321 6 3 $ver || 'undef'
329 0 0 $mod->VERSION || 0
724 30 30 $suffix || '_share'
726 30 30 $suffix || '_share'
955 46 10 $phase{$name} || 'any'
1057 87 518 $self->{'around'}{$name} || sub { my $code = shift(); &$code(@_); }

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
39 337 2 0 $args{'filename'} || do { my(undef, $filename) = caller; _path($filename)->absolute->stringify }
254 135 96 0 $self->{'runtime_prop'}{'install_type'} ||= $self->probe
288 127 2 2 not defined $h{$mod} or $ver > $h{$mod}
340 2 0 39 $mod->can("runtime_prop") and $mod->runtime_prop or $mod->isa("Alien::Base") and $mod->install_type("share")
598 8 69 0 $archive ||= $self->install_prop->{'download'}
659 32 41 0 $self->install_prop->{'extract'} ||= $ret
836 8246 339 0 $meta{$class} ||= "Alien::Build::Meta"->new("class", $class)
885 249 0 18 not defined $old or $version > $old
1114 2795 0 26 $name =~ /::/ or $found