Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 34 73.5

line true false branch
22 4 7 if $self->{'connection'}
29 1 6 unless eval { do { require $module; 1 } }
52 0 7 if $is_error
55 4 0 if (defined $disposition and $disposition =~ /filename="([^"]+)"/ || $disposition =~ /filename=([^\s]+)/)
75 0 1 if ($is_error)
92 1 2 if ($Has_HTML_Parser) { }
110 0 8 unless $tag eq 'a'
111 0 8 unless defined $attrs{'href'}
132 15 2 if (defined $host) { }
134 15 0 unless ($base)
137 14 1 unless (defined $base->scheme)
140 10 5 if defined $path
152 0 11 if (&blessed($res) and $res->isa('HTTP::Response')) { }
154 0 0 unless ($res->is_success)
160 3 8 unless ($res->{'success'})
161 2 1 $res->{'status'} == 599 ? :
162 1 2 if ($res->{'status'} == 599 and $reason =~ /https support/)