Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 48 55 87.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
119 65 60 30 defined $self->list and $level < $self->list->level
163 2 1 153 $p > 0 and $p < 1
240 24898 8 8161 $n < $$self{'P_LEVELS'}[$level] and $level < $$self{'SIZE_LEVEL'}
272 44974 82803 249632 $fwd = $node->header->[$level] and ($cmp = $fwd->key_cmp($key)) < 0
306 275 91 341 --$level >= 0 and $cmp
307 127 580 809 $fwd = $node->header->[$level] and ($cmp = $fwd->key_cmp($key)) < 0
383 31 18 6 $$self{'LIST_END'} and $node == $$self{'LIST_END'}
514 2 0 59 $node && defined $index
649 29 24 280 defined $node and $node->key_cmp($high) <= 0
941 0 37 55 $node and $node->key_cmp($key) < 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
80 1 1 $dup || 0
458 86 59 $index || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
256 24757 445 0 $$finger[$level] || $list
299 65 301 0 $$finger[$level] || $list
339 24897 9 48 $cmp or $$self{'DUPLICATES'}
349 32950 117 0 $$finger[$i] || $list
459 0 0 145 $check < 0 or $check >= $self->size
574 29 18 21 $$self{'LIST_END'} || $self->list
793 48 3 4 $node1 or $node2