Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 33 84.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
46 16427729 2916487 655784 $$rects[$i0] <= $x and $$rects[$i0 + 1] <= $y
19344216 496438 159346 $$rects[$i0] <= $x and $$rects[$i0 + 1] <= $y and $$rects[$i0 + 2] >= $x
3412925 121420 37926 $$rects[$i0] <= $x and $$rects[$i0 + 1] <= $y and $$rects[$i0 + 2] >= $x and $$rects[$i0 + 3] >= $y
74 22176 4680 56319 $x >= $x0 and $x <= $x1
15136 3257 37926 $y >= $y0 and $y <= $y1
26856 56319 0 $x >= $x0 and $x <= $x1 and ($y >= $y0 and $y <= $y1)
98 2072 0 41563 @v0 and @v1
100 2072 39491 486478 @v0 and $v0[0] == $v
104 0 41563 238343 @v1 and $v1[0] == $v

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
35 1999 1 0 $$self{'div'} || $self->_init_div
68 26714 1036 0 $$div[0] || _divide_rects($div, $rects)