Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 32 87.5

line true false branch
25 0 20000 if $x0 > $x1
26 0 20000 if $y0 > $y1
46 37926 617858 if ($$rects[$i0] <= $x and $$rects[$i0 + 1] <= $y and $$rects[$i0 + 2] >= $x and $$rects[$i0 + 3] >= $y)
70 2000 25750 if ($dir eq 'n')
74 37926 18393 if $x >= $x0 and $x <= $x1 and ($y >= $y0 and $y <= $y1)
80 12319 13431 $dir eq 'x' ? :
21975 3775 ($dir eq 'x' ? $x <= $$div[3] : $y <= $$div[3]) ? :
99 41553 10 $v0[0] <= $v1[0] ? :
115 29536 12027 if ($good < $best)
129 0 1036 if @$dr <= $MIN_DIV
132 0 1036 $bestx == 0 ? :
134 509 527 if ($bestx < $besty) { }
135 365 144 if ($bestx < $bestreq)
143 327 200 if ($besty < $bestreq)
157 140941 61922 if $bestv >= $$rects[$_ * 4 + $off]
158 144439 58424 if $bestv < $$rects[$_ * 4 + $off + 2]