Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 74 95 77.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
140 0 0 36 ref $a and ref $b
174 4 3 42 $aStart <= $aFinish and $bStart <= $bFinish
7 29 13 $aStart <= $aFinish and $bStart <= $bFinish and &$compare($a->[$aStart], $b->[$bStart], @_)
183 6 7 39 $aStart <= $aFinish and $bStart <= $bFinish
13 23 16 $aStart <= $aFinish and $bStart <= $bFinish and &$compare($a->[$aFinish], $b->[$bFinish], @_)
209 55 0 0 $k and $thresh->[$k] > $j
55 0 0 $k and $thresh->[$k] > $j and $$thresh[$k - 1] < $j
284 6 0 3 $ai == $lastA + 1 and $bi <= $lastB
298 7 2 0 $bi == $lastB + 1 and $ai <= $lastA
342 20 32 19 $ma <= $#$matchVector and not defined $matchVector->[$ma]
357 19 9 10 $ai < $ma and $bi < $mb
389 5 7 10 $ai <= $lastA and $bi <= $lastB
472 11 5 28 @$am and $ai == $am->[0]
16 6 22 @$am and $ai == $am->[0] and $bi == $bm->[0]
595 3 0 8 0 == $cdif->[2] and 0 == $cdif->[3]
645 108 120 14 $pos and $new < 0
746 0 0 160 $word =~ /^(-?\d+)?([a-zA-Z]+)([12])?$/ and $meth = $getName{lc $2}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
248 3 0 shift() || {}
250 3 0 $callbacks->{'MATCH'} || sub { }
251 3 0 $callbacks->{'DISCARD_A'} || sub { }
253 3 0 $callbacks->{'DISCARD_B'} || sub { }
322 20 0 shift() || {}
324 20 0 $callbacks->{'MATCH'} || sub { }
325 20 0 $callbacks->{'DISCARD_A'} || sub { }
326 20 0 $callbacks->{'DISCARD_B'} || sub { }
611 256 74 $pos || 0
616 190 140 $pos || !1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
67 0 44 11 $high ||= $#$array
70 14 41 0 $high == -1 or $aValue > $array->[-1]
280 6 3 3 $ai <= $lastA or $bi <= $lastB
354 19 19 32 $ai < $ma or $bi < $mb
387 17 5 20 $ai <= $lastA or $bi <= $lastB
483 5 2 4 $ai < @$a or $bi < @$b
570 314 226 110 1 == $seq or 2 == $seq
614 12 44 274 $pos < 0 or $me->[3] <= $pos