Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 35 80.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
206 0 0 120 $delay and $self->{'jitter_factor'}
231 125 41 33 defined $self->{'max_delay'} and $delay > $self->{'max_delay'}
234 0 166 33 defined $self->{'min_delay'} and $delay < $self->{'min_delay'}
258 0 113 3 defined $self->{'max_actual_duration'} and $self->{'max_actual_duration'} > 0
113 2 1 defined $self->{'max_actual_duration'} and $self->{'max_actual_duration'} > 0 and $timestamp - $self->{'_start_timestamp'} >= $self->{'max_actual_duration'}
262 108 4 3 $self->{'max_attempts'} and $self->{'_attempts'} >= $self->{'max_attempts'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
197 4 1 $self->{'_last_delay'} //= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
186 21 1 66 $args{$attr} //= $attrspec->{$attr}{'default'}
190 1 17 0 $args{'_start_timestamp'} //= &Algorithm::Backoff::time()
215 183 16 1 $self->{'_last_timestamp'} //= $timestamp
244 87 1 0 $timestamp //= &Algorithm::Backoff::time()
254 115 1 0 $timestamp //= &Algorithm::Backoff::time()