Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 55 56 98.2

line true false branch
57 0 22 unless @lines
61 1 21 if $lines[-1] =~ /^(?:\s|\s*#)/
79 247 1799 $line =~ s/(\s*$tc)//o ? :
80 740 1306 if $line =~ /^\s*$/
82 1231 75 unless ($joining)
85 162 1069 if $might_be_modifier
90 75 1231 if ($line =~ /(?:,|=>)\s*$/ or $line =~ s/\\\s*$//) { }
92 44 31 if $joining > 1
106 272 990 if ($line =~ /(:+)$/ and length($1) % 2) { }
959 31 elsif (not $joining) { }
109 45 8 if (not $line =~ /^\s*$id:$/o or $line =~ /[[:lower:]]/ or $line =~ /^\s*(?:BEGIN|CHECK|INIT|END):$/)
113 165 99 if ($unbalanced_paren) { }
121 10 949 if $might_be_modifier
128 602 660 @stack ? :
129 269 993 if ($prev_indent < $indent) { }
232 761 elsif ($prev_indent > $indent) { }
131 264 5 unless $$prev_line_with_code =~ s/(?=\s*$tc)/ {/o
136 94 175 @stack ? :
138 29 240 if needs_semicolon($prev_id_at_sob)
140 10 222 if $might_be_modifier
145 1221 825 if not $joining and $line =~ /\S/
169 1125 106 unless $_[0] =~ s/^(\s*\b(?:if|elsif|unless)\b\s*)/$1(/ or $_[0] =~ s/^(\s*(?:$id\s*:)?\s*\b(?:while|until)\b(\s*))/$2 eq '' ? "$1 (" : "$1(";/eo
170 3 41 $2 eq '' ? :
185 29 40 if ($rest =~ /^((?:my|our)? \s* \$ $id\s+) in\s* ((?: (?:[\$\@%&\\]) | (?:\b\w) ) .*)$/ox or $rest =~ /^((?:my|our)? \s* \$ $id\s*) ((?: (?:[\$\@%&\\]) | (?:\b\w) ) .*)$/ox) { }
203 178 91 unless $id_at_sob
204 23 68 if $id_at_sob =~ /^(do|sub|eval)$/
206 1 67 $id_at_sob =~ /::/ ? :
207 62 6 unless defined $proto