Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 146 152 96.0

line true false branch
17 54662 212378 ref $code eq 'CODE' ? :
135 198 31843 if $redstring->{'protagonists'} and $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'name'} eq $xx->{'name'} or $redstring->{'antagonists'} and $redstring->{'antagonists'}{'name'} eq $xx->{'name'}
287 4 35 $food =~ /wine/u ? :
576 10362 109805 if (defined $a->{'splural'})
588 181 181 splural($redstring->{$actor}) ? :
590 3323 1667 if $redstring->{$actor}{'name'}
819 243 21180 if (my $c = $redstring->{'disease_cause'})
825 1478 19945 if (my $m = $redstring->{'misinformation'})
833 383 21040 if (my $auth = $redstring->{'authority'})
841 548 20875 if (my $p = $redstring->{'myth_place'})
850 256 21167 if (my $art = $redstring->{'artifact'})
859 1543 19880 if (my $proj = $redstring->{'shady_project'})
868 1558 19865 if (my $dl = $redstring->{'dark_lord'})
878 5797 15626 if (my $v = ($redstring->{'victim'} // $redstring->{'physicist'}) // $redstring->{'biologist'})
899 3045 18378 if (my $v = $redstring->{'physicist'} // $redstring->{'biologist'})
907 3874 17549 if (my $c = $redstring->{'celebrity'})
908 1452 2422 if ($c->{'female'}) { }
922 1996 19427 if (my $f = $redstring->{'fiction'})
929 89 110 splural($redstring->{'shady_group'}) ? :
938 309 1687 if (my $p = $redstring->{'random_place'})
946 1668 19755 if (my $animal = $redstring->{'real_animal'} // $redstring->{'fake_animal'})
960 491 20932 if (my $mc = $redstring->{'mind_control_device'})
966 265 226 if ($mcp)
979 972 20451 if (my $ft = $redstring->{'future_time'})
987 476 20947 if (my $d = $redstring->{'disease'})
997 266 21157 if (my $f = $redstring->{'food'})
1006 976 20447 if (my $chem = $redstring->{'chemicals'})
1015 3193 18230 if (my $r = $redstring->{'precious_resource'})
1017 178 3015 unless $redstring->{'shady_group'}{'name'}
1019 3193 6386 if ($redstring->{$_}{'name'})
1021 1446 1747 $redstring->{$_}{'plural'} ? :
1022 283 2910 $r =~ /s$/u ? :
1036 6925 14498 if (my $topic = $redstring->{'topic'})
1038 2614 4311 $topic->{'plural'} ? :
1051 6346 15077 if (my $p = $redstring->{'random_place'} // $redstring->{'bad_place'})
1065 15048 27798 unless $redstring->{$actor}{'name'}
1068 14386 13412 splural($redstring->{$actor}) ? :
1069 14386 13412 splural($redstring->{$actor}) ? :
1070 14386 13412 splural($redstring->{$actor}) ? :
1071 14386 13412 splural($redstring->{$actor}) ? :
1090 1815 25983 if (my $animal = $redstring->{'real_animal'} // $redstring->{'fake_animal'})
1094 6115 21683 if (my $place = $redstring->{'random_place'})
1098 8804 18994 if (my $topic = $redstring->{'topic'})
1101 3872 4932 $redstring->{$actor}{'plural'} ? :
1112 20779 644 if (@evidences == 2) { }
644 0 elsif (@evidences == 1) { }
1296 0 0 $redstring->{'shady_group'}{'plural'} ? :
1414 225 27 $animal ne 'fish' ? :
1538 116 157 $redstring->{'shady_group'}{'plural'} ? :
1539 131 142 $redstring->{'invention_plural'} ? :
1564 673 805 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1615 184 181 splural($redstring->{'protagonists'}) ? :
1656 124 142 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1663 117 142 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1670 100 138 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1709 689 869 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1749 679 795 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1750 679 795 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1764 663 880 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1944 683 833 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1971 580 975 $redstring->{'celebrity'}{'female'} ? :
1975 676 879 $redstring->{'protagonists'}{'plural'} ? :
1996 581 979 $redstring->{'celebrity'}{'female'} ? :
2011 8049 10074 if ($redstring->{'protagonists'} and not $redstring->{'antagonists'} and _RANDOM_((0, 1)))
2015 4221 3828 splural($redstring->{'antagonists'}) ? :
2032 21423 0 if $evidence
2035 697 20726 if $numerology
2074 63621 83483 /^(the )(.+)$/iu ? :
2077 94171 62604 ref $_ ? :
2084 39137 82698 if length $string >= 20
2086 809603 5261 /[A-Z]/u ? :
2098 6949 849971 if ($calcs{$key})
2102 7228 44 unless join($", @strings) =~ /$test/u
2108 700 81340 @$_ > 1 ? :
2110 697 20726 if (@wow)
2130 0 0 unless ($cancel)