Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 85 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
72 0 0 0 $seq and $db
76 0 0 0 defined $start and not defined $offset
79 0 0 0 defined $end and not defined $length
162 0 0 0 ref $refseq and ref $refseq eq 'ARRAY'
167 0 0 0 ref $refseq and $refseq->can('smapped')
253 0 0 0 $abs and $self->refseq ne $self->parent
287 0 0 0 ref $arg and $arg->isa('Ace::Sequence')
631 0 0 0 $automerge and lc $type eq 'transcript'
0 0 0 $automerge and lc $type eq 'clone'
686 0 0 0 !m[^(?:\#|//)] && &$filter($_)
736 0 0 0 ref $features eq 'ARRAY' and @$features

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
97 0 0 $offset ||= 0
120 0 0 eval { do { $self->refseq($refseq) } } or return
444 0 0 $clones{$_} ||= {}
461 0 0 $clones{$clone}{'start'} || -99999999
462 0 0 $clones{$clone}{'end'} || 99999999
595 0 0 $tl_start ||= 0
596 0 0 $tl_end ||= 0
617 0 0 $parent ||= ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
72 0 0 0 ref $seq or $seq and $db
107 0 0 0 $length || $p_length
229 0 0 0 $_[0]{'db'} ||= $_[0]->source->db
255 0 0 0 $r_strand < 0 or $$self{'strand'} < 0
0 0 0 $r_strand < 0 or $$self{'strand'} < 0 or $$self{'length'} < 0
288 0 0 0 $self->parent cmp $arg->parent || $self->start <=> $arg->start
401 0 0 0 $transcripts{$transcript}{'base'} ||= $feature
518 0 0 0 $ref_source ||= $source
519 0 0 0 $ref_strand ||= $strand
575 0 0 0 $obj->get('S_Parent', 2) || $obj->get('Source', 1)
602 0 0 0 $length ||= CORE::abs($tl_end - $tl_start) + 1
704 0 0 0 shift() || $self->db