Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 3 48 6.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
105 0 0 0 $type and $type eq "HASH"
139 0 0 0 $service eq "ec2" and $operation eq "wait"
148 0 0 0 $service eq "ec2" and $operation eq "run-instances"
0 0 0 $service eq "s3" and $self->awscli_version >= 0.15.0
0 0 0 $service eq "s3api" and $self->awscli_version < 0.15.0
184 0 0 0 $service eq "s3" and $k =~ /^(?:include|exclude)$/
194 0 0 0 exists $opt{'nofork'} and $opt{'nofork'}
207 0 0 0 defined $err and $err =~ /^IPC::Cmd::TimeOut:/
216 0 0 0 $ret->{'exit_code'} == 0 and $ret->{'timeout'} == 0
243 0 0 0 $stdout_str and $stdout_str =~ /^{/
249 0 0 0 exists $ret->{'Errors'} and ref $ret->{'Errors'} eq "ARRAY"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
37 1 6 $param{'awscli_path'} || 'aws'
53 0 2 `$awscli_path --version 2>&1` || ''
238 0 0 $json || 'success'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
167 0 0 0 $max ||= $min
199 0 0 0 $opt{'timeout'} || $self->{'timeout'}
213 0 0 0 $opt{'timeout'} || $self->{'timeout'}