Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 38 34.2

line true false branch
53 0 3 unless $target_method
63 0 1 unless my $token = $req->param('token')
66 0 1 if (my $payload_json = $req->param('payload')) { }
1 0 elsif (my $alert = $req->param('alert')) { }
70 0 0 if $@
77 0 1 unless $payload
83 0 1 if ($self->__apns->connected) { }
132 1 0 if (@{$self->_queue;})
146 1 0 $self->debug_port ? :
154 1 1 unless $apns->connected
162 1 0 if (my $interval = $self->disconnect_interval) { }
167 0 0 if ($$self{'__apns'} and time - ($self->_last_sent_at || 0) > $interval)
186 1 0 if ($msg) { }
207 0 1 if (my $err = $@) { }
208 0 0 if ($err =~ /Can't call method "push_write" on an undefined value/) { }
240 0 0 unless $p->getoptionsfromarray(\@argv, \my(%opt), ('certificate=s', 'private-key=s', 'disconnect-interval=i', 'sandbox!', 'debug-port=i'))
247 0 0 unless $opt{'certificate'} and $opt{'private-key'}
255 0 0 @_ == 1 ? :
256 0 0 unless ($args{'listen'} or $args{'port'} or $ENV{'SERVER_STARTER_PORT'})