Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 14 39 35.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
245 0 0 0 $cost != -1 and $cost < $least_fcost2
253 10 4 4 defined $descendant_ind and $j != $descendant_ind
254 4 0 0 $fc != -1 and $fc < $least_fcost2
260 5 0 5 $fc != -1 and $fc < $least_fcost2
321 0 0 0 $cost != -1 and $cost < $least_fcost
328 9 0 9 $fc != -1 and $fc < $least_fcost
488 0 0 0 $i == $num_successors - 1 and $descendants_deleted
514 5 0 0 $i < $$self{'_iterator_index'} and $$self{'_forgotten_nodes_num'} != 0
547 0 5 0 $i >= $num_successors - 1 and $descendants_deleted
5 0 0 $i >= $num_successors - 1 and $descendants_deleted and $self->depth == 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
31 0 7 0 ref $invocant || $invocant
379 5 0 0 $is_completed or $num_successors == 0
480 0 0 5 $$self{'_descendants_produced'}[$i] || $$self{'_descendant_fcosts'}[$i] != -1