Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 22 66 33.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
289 4 1 1 AI::Pathfinding::SMAstar::Examples::PalUtils::is_palindrome($phrase) and AI::Pathfinding::SMAstar::Examples::PalUtils::num_chars_in_pal($phrase) >= $min_num_chars
411 2 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'}
2 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'} and $antecedent_dir == 0
617 2 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'}
2 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'} and $antecedent_dir == 0
759 0 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'}
0 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'} and $antecedent_dir == 0
862 0 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'}
0 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'} and $antecedent_dir == 0
946 2 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'}
2 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'} and $antecedent_dir == 0
1051 2 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'}
2 0 0 defined $$antecedent{'_word'} and $w eq $$antecedent{'_word'} and $antecedent_dir == 0
1109 26 7 12 not $$pobj{'_cand'} and $depth == 0
1120 14 4 15 defined $$pobj{'_phrase'} and not $depth

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
31 0 9 0 ref $invocant || $invocant
421 0 0 2 $repeated_word_p or $w eq $word
627 0 2 0 $repeated_word_p or $w eq $word
769 0 0 0 $repeated_word_p or $w eq $word
872 0 0 0 $repeated_word_p or $w eq $word
956 0 0 2 $repeated_word_p or $w eq $word
1061 0 2 0 $repeated_word_p or $w eq $word