Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 94 68.0

line true false branch
57 3 0 if ($table =~ /^(.*)\n[ \t]*-+\n/)
60 3 0 if ($a =~ /\s*\bcount\s*$/) { }
66 0 43 unless $table =~ /^(.*)\n?/
69 2 41 if ($r =~ /^-+$/)
71 41 0 $cnt ? :
0 41 unless $#v - ($cnt ? 2 : 1) == $#atts
75 41 0 $cnt ? :
87 0 0 unless open F, $fn
92 0 0 $cnt ? :
0 0 unless $#v - ($cnt ? 2 : 1) == $#atts
96 0 0 $cnt ? :
119 0 441 unless exists $params{$_}
122 11 136 if (scalar keys %{$$self{'stat_attributes'};} == 0) { }
127 29 2 unless defined $self->{'attribute_type'}{$a}
132 0 421 unless exists $params{'attributes'}{$a}
138 22 125 unless exists $self->{'stat_labels'}{$params{'label'}}
143 0 452 unless (exists $params{'attributes'}{$a})
146 110 342 unless (exists $self->{'stat_attributes'}{$a}{$attval})
171 5 26 if $self->{'attribute_type'}{$att} eq 'real'
179 7 121 unless exists $self->{'stat_attributes'}{$att}{$attval}{$label} and $self->{'stat_attributes'}{$att}{$attval}{$label} > 0
182 64 57 unless exists $m->{'condprob'}{$att}{$attval}
186 0 121 unless exists $m->{'condprob'}{$att}{$attval}
191 6 46 if (exists $self->{'smoothing'}{$att} and $self->{'smoothing'}{$att} =~ /^unseen count=/)
193 0 6 if $uc <= 0
194 3 3 unless (exists $m->{'condprob'}{$att}{'*'})
200 0 6 if (grep {$_ eq '*';} @attvals)
214 26 5 unless $self->{'attribute_type'}{$att} eq 'real'
216 0 0 if defined $self->{'smoothing'}{'att'} and $self->{'smoothing'}{'att'}
229 0 53 if not defined $m->{'real_stat'}{$att}{$label}{'count'} or $m->{'real_stat'}{$att}{$label}{'count'} == 0
256 0 13 unless my $newattrs = $params{'attributes'}
263 0 41 unless (defined $self->{'attribute_type'}{$att})
264 5 36 if $self->{'attribute_type'}{$att} eq 'real'
265 0 36 unless exists $self->{'stat_attributes'}{$att}
269 0 0 unless exists $self->{'stat_attributes'}{$att}{$attval} or exists $self->{'smoothing'}{$att}
271 68 4 if (exists $m->{'condprob'}{$att}{$attval} and exists $m->{'condprob'}{$att}{$attval}{$label} and $m->{'condprob'}{$att}{$attval}{$label} > 0) { }
3 1 elsif (exists $self->{'smoothing'}{$att}) { }
285 36 5 unless $self->{'attribute_type'}{$att} eq 'real'
288 0 10 unless exists $m->{'real_stat'}{$att}{$label}{'mean'}
299 0 5 if ($sum == 0) { }
314 1 24 if ($#_ > -1 and $_[0] eq 'with counts')
331 2 48 if ($withcounts)
348 116 26 if ($self->{'attribute_type'}{$att} ne 'real') { }
350 11 263 unless exists $m->{'condprob'}{$att}{$attval}{$label}
355 35 228 if ($withcounts)
371 213 360 $lines[$i] =~ /-$/ ? :
374 213 360 $lines[$i] =~ /-$/ ? :
386 326 1593 if length $_ > $m