Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 168 13.6

line true false branch
69 0 0 unless $_ =~ /$key/
136 0 0 if $con =~ /any/
179 0 8 grep({$_ eq ':all';} @_) ? :
182 0 8 if @structures
193 0 0 if $@
201 18 0 if @args % 2
202 0 18 unless $structure
213 0 0 if @_
223 0 2 if exists $MICRO{$structure}
225 0 2 if @badnames
265 2 2 if (defined $fh)
268 14 18 if (/^#\s*(\w+.*)$/)
312 0 0 if (@_) { }
314 0 0 if $structure =~ /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/
321 0 0 if (not exists $self->{'micro'}{$structure})
323 0 0 if (not $MICRO{$structure})
349 0 0 if (@_) { }
351 0 0 if defined $structure and $structure =~ /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/
358 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'micro'}{$structure})
359 0 0 unless ($MICRO{$structure})
361 0 0 if $@
376 0 0 if (@_) { }
378 0 0 if defined $structure and $structure =~ /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/
385 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'micro'}{$structure})
386 0 0 unless ($MICRO{$structure})
390 0 0 if $@
416 0 0 wantarray ? :
417 0 0 $_[1] ? :
418 0 0 $_[1] ? :
423 0 0 if (@_)
425 0 0 if $structure =~ /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/
430 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'micro'}{$structure})
442 0 0 unless $string
465 0 0 if (exists $isa{'AI::MicroStructure::Locale'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $isa{'AI::MicroStructure::MultiList'}) { }
511 0 0 unless $_
513 0 0 if (ref $data->{$key} eq 'HASH') { }
521 0 0 $key =~ /names|default|[a-z]/ ? :
539 0 0 unless $line
543 0 0 if ($_ eq $line)
545 0 0 if (1 + $line eq $_)
547 0 0 if ($active == 1)
550 0 0 unless defined $dat->{'names'}{$_}
557 0 0 if ($_ eq $line)
560 0 0 if (1 + $line eq $_)
562 0 0 if ($active == 1)
565 0 0 unless defined $dat->{'names'}{$_}
581 0 0 if (@file)
582 0 0 unless open SELF, "+<$file[0]"
584 0 0 if /^__DATA__/
602 0 0 if (<DATA>)
608 0 0 if ($_ =~ /^#\s*(\w+.*)$/) { }
610 0 0 if ($#a) { }
615 0 0 unless $#a
621 0 0 if ($#a) { }
622 0 0 unless $_ eq ''
624 0 0 unless $_ eq ''
666 0 0 if $k =~ /synonyms|hypernyms/
671 0 0 unless @{$new->{$k};}
700 0 0 if ($StructureName)
704 0 0 unless -d $absstructdir
707 0 0 unless open $fh, ">$file"
728 0 0 if (`ls $fh`)
747 0 8 if ($init)
748 0 8 if ($available)
749 0 8 if ($lib)
750 0 8 if ($list)
754 0 8 if ($use)
755 0 8 if ($off)
756 0 8 if ($switch)
757 0 8 if ($mirror)
758 0 8 if ($version)
765 0 8 if ($help)
775 0 8 if ($drop == 1)
780 0 8 if ($new == 1)
792 0 0 unless $senses
793 0 0 unless ($verbose)
801 0 0 unless $senses != 1
802 0 0 if ($verbose)
805 0 0 unless $line
812 0 0 if ($line > 0) { }
826 0 8 if ($write == 1)
908 0 0 unless $_
914 0 0 if ($sensnrx > 9)