Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 60 85.0

line true false branch
29 21 53 if (@vals)
57 0 144 unless blessed($attrs{'fuzzyEngine'}) and $attrs{'fuzzyEngine'}->isa($class)
61 0 144 unless blessed($attrs{'variable'}) and $attrs{'variable'}->isa($class)
64 0 144 unless ref $attrs{'memb_fun'} eq 'ARRAY'
73 1 143 if &List::MoreUtils::uniq(@x) < @x
92 67 0 unless (ref $val_x eq 'PDL')
94 10 57 if $val_x <= $x[0]
95 8 49 if $val_x >= $x[-1]
123 0 143 unless @x
125 109 34 if (@x == 1)
132 11 23 if ($x[0] > $from) { }
8 15 elsif ($x[0] < $from) { }
139 2 6 if ($x[1] <= $from) { }
156 11 23 if ($x[-1] < $to) { }
7 16 elsif ($x[-1] > $to) { }
163 2 5 if ($x[-2] >= $to) { }
195 1 21 unless @xA
196 0 21 unless @xB
209 65 11 if exists $xA{$x}
215 65 13 if exists $xB{$x}
237 47 10 if $dy1 * $dy2 >= 0
247 8 13 if ($found)
266 29 63 $$ar[$ix] * $factor > $$br[$ix] * $factor ? :
295 17 19 unless @moreFuns
334 0 8 if @x < 2
354 4 20 $y0 < $y1 ? :
359 4 20 $y1 > $y0 ? :
363 4 20 if $ta == 0
380 0 8 unless $ta
393 0 22 unless @{$$fun[0];}