Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 515 688 74.8

line true false branch
795 71 25 if (%args)
797 0 71 if ($Debug)
806 281 0 if (defined $val)
808 0 281 if ($arg =~ /^-/)
813 0 281 if ($Debug)
818 0 281 if ($Debug)
826 0 96 if ($Debug)
874 342 3 if (@paras == 1) { }
888 95 1 unless $para =~ /\n$/
889 2 94 if ($ind == @paras - 1) { }
955 6 434 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $TABLE)
959 11 429 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $MAILHEADER)
965 440 0 if ($$self{'demoronize'})
971 440 0 unless ($$self{'link_only'})
991 0 440 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE_EXPLICIT)
995 0 0 if ($pre_str)
1001 440 0 if (defined $para and $para ne '')
1021 26 1577 if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { }
1025 2 24 $i == 0 ? :
1053 155 285 if (@{$$self{'custom_heading_regexp'};})
1058 123 317 if ($$self{'make_tables'} and @para_lines > 1)
1067 269 171 if (not $$self{'explicit_headings'} and @para_lines > 1 and not $is_table)
1080 196 14 if ($$self{'mailmode'} and not $is_table and not $is_custom_header)
1088 7 50 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $LIST and $is_table || $is_mailheader || $is_header || $is_custom_header)
1108 14 6 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE and not $$self{'__mode'} & $PRE_EXPLICIT and $is_table || $is_mailheader || !$self->is_preformatted($para_lines[0]) and $$self{'preformat_trigger_lines'} != 0)
1131 6 434 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE)
1141 9 431 if ($is_custom_header) { }
54 377 elsif ($is_header) { }
1172 22 418 if ($$self{'make_tables'} and $is_table)
1174 22 0 if ($self->tablestuff('table_type', $table_type, 'rows_ref', \@para_lines, 'para_len', $para_len))
1189 11 0 if ($is_mailheader and not $$self{'__mode'} & $TABLE and @para_lines)
1212 350 816 if ($i == 0) { }
1227 350 816 if ($i == $#para_lines) { }
1236 1166 0 if $$self{'escape_HTML_chars'}
1239 519 647 if ($$self{'mailmode'} and not $$self{'__mode'} & $PRE_EXPLICIT)
1251 85 1081 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE and $$self{'preformat_trigger_lines'} != 0)
1262 1086 80 unless ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE)
1270 1060 26 unless ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE or $para_lines[$i] =~ /^\s*$/)
1281 823 343 if (not $para_line_action[$i] & ($HEADER | $LIST) || $$self{'__mode'} & ($LIST | $PRE) and $$self{'__preformat_enabled'})
1294 1065 101 unless ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE)
1307 802 364 unless ($$self{'__mode'} & ($PRE | $LIST))
1317 1065 101 unless ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE)
1326 301 865 if $i == 0 and not $prev =~ /^\s*$/
1332 57 383 unless defined $para_action
1344 367 73 if ($$self{'xhtml'})
1347 233 134 if (defined $open_tag and $open_tag eq 'p')
1353 8 432 if ($$self{'unhyphenation'} and $para =~ /[^\W\d_]\-\n\s*[^\W\d_]/s and not $$self{'__mode'} & ($PRE | $HEADER | $MAILHEADER | $TABLE | $BREAK))
1366 86 354 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $LIST or $$self{'__mode'} & $PRE)
1374 440 0 unless ($para =~ /^\s*$/)
1383 1 439 if ($args{'close_tags'} and $$self{'__mode'} & $LIST)
1393 7 433 if ($args{'close_tags'} and $$self{'xhtml'})
1402 433 7 if ($$self{'demoronize'} and not $$self{'eight_bit_clean'})
1408 433 7 unless ($$self{'eight_bit_clean'})
1413 78 100187 if defined $char_entities{$_}
1438 38 0 if (@_)
1449 1 37 if ($$self{'outhandle'}) { }
0 37 elsif ($$self{'outfile'} eq '-') { }
1461 0 37 unless open $outhandle, '> ' . $$self{'outfile'}
1473 36 2 if ($$self{'infile'} and @{$$self{'infile'};}) { }
2 0 elsif ($$self{'inhandle'} and @{$$self{'inhandle'};}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'instring'} and @{$$self{'instring'};}) { }
1493 36 2 if ($source_type eq 'file') { }
2 0 elsif ($source_type eq 'filehandle') { }
1495 0 36 if (not $source or $source eq '-') { }
1502 36 0 if (-f $source and open $inhandle, $source) { }
1518 0 38 if ($source_type eq 'string') { }
1523 0 0 if ($count == 0)
1539 34 305 if ($count == 0)
1549 38 0 if ($inhandle_needs_closing)
1557 6 32 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $LIST)
1568 2 36 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE)
1575 12 23 if ($$self{'xhtml'} and not $$self{'extract'} and @{$$self{'__tags'};})
1579 0 12 if ($DictDebug & 8)
1595 2 36 if ($$self{'append_file'})
1597 2 0 if (-r $$self{'append_file'}) { }
1615 13 25 if ($print_count and not $$self{'extract'})
1620 38 0 if ($outhandle_needs_closing)
1658 26 0 $ENV{'HOME'} ? :
1892 0 96 unless ($$self{'make_links'})
1896 4 92 if ($$self{'append_file'})
1898 0 4 unless (-r $$self{'append_file'})
1904 0 96 if ($$self{'prepend_file'})
1906 0 0 unless (-r $$self{'prepend_file'})
1912 0 96 if ($$self{'append_head'})
1914 0 0 unless (-r $$self{'append_head'})
1921 0 96 unless ($$self{'outfile'})
1926 0 96 if $$self{'preformat_trigger_lines'} < 0
1928 0 96 if $$self{'preformat_trigger_lines'} > 2
1931 0 96 if $$self{'preformat_trigger_lines'} == 0
1933 0 96 if $$self{'endpreformat_trigger_lines'} < 0
1935 0 96 if $$self{'endpreformat_trigger_lines'} > 2
1942 0 96 if ($$self{'use_mosaic_header'})
1956 89 7 if $$self{'xhtml'}
2066 116 3406 unless (defined $open_tag)
2074 3219 303 if ($$self{'xhtml'})
2076 14 3205 if ($open_tag eq 'p' and $in_tag eq 'p' and $args{'tag_type'} != 2) { }
9 3196 elsif ($open_tag eq 'p' and $in_tag =~ /^(hr|ul|ol|dl|pre|table|h)/) { }
70 3126 elsif ($open_tag eq 'li' and $in_tag eq 'li' and $args{'tag_type'} != 2) { }
47 3079 elsif ($open_tag eq 'li' and $in_tag =~ /^(ul|ol)$/ and $args{'tag_type'} == 2) { }
0 3079 elsif ($open_tag eq 'dt' and $in_tag eq 'dd' and $args{'tag_type'} != 2) { }
2 3077 elsif ($open_tag eq 'dd' and $in_tag eq 'dt' and $args{'tag_type'} != 2) { }
5 3075 elsif ($open_tag eq 'dd' and $in_tag eq 'dl' and $args{'tag_type'} == 2) { }
2125 91 3431 if ($args{'tag_type'} == 2) { }
2131 3146 285 if ($$self{'lower_case_tags'}) { }
2139 901 2530 if ($args{'tag_type'} == 3) { }
2141 821 80 if ($$self{'xhtml'}) { }
2156 147 3375 if $tag_prefix
2157 0 3522 if ($DictDebug & 8)
2183 15 2444 if (defined $open_tag and $open_tag ne $in_tag)
2188 2324 135 if ($$self{'lower_case_tags'}) { }
2197 0 2459 if ($DictDebug & 8)
2229 18 1068 if ($$para_lines_ref[$ind] =~ /^\s*([-_~=\*]\s*){$hrmin,}$/) { }
1 1067 elsif ($$para_lines_ref[$ind] =~ /\014/) { }
2279 48 272 if (not ${$line_ref;} =~ /^\s*$/ || ${$prev_ref;} =~ /^\s*$/ and $prev_line_len < $$self{'short_line_length'} and not ${$line_action_ref;} & ($END | $HEADER | $HRULE | $LIST | $IND_BREAK | $PAR) and not ${$prev_action_ref;} & ($HEADER | $HRULE | $BREAK | $IND_BREAK))
2317 22 185 if ($$rows_ref[0] =~ /^(From:?)|(Newsgroups:) /)
2346 11 0 if ($self->is_mailheader(%args))
2349 11 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
2363 43 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
2367 32 11 if ($rn != @rows - 1)
2408 24 9 if (${$line_ref;} =~ /^\w*>/ || ${$line_ref;} =~ /^[\|:]/ and defined $next_ref and not ${$next_ref;} =~ /^\s*$/)
2419 10 14 if (not ${$prev_action_ref;} & ($BREAK | $MAILQUOTE))
2479 259 806 if (not ${$line_ref;} =~ /^\s*$/ || subtract_modes(${$line_action_ref;}, $END | $MAILQUOTE | $CAPS | $BREAK) and ${$prev_ref;} =~ /^\s*$/ || ${$line_action_ref;} & $END || $line_indent > $prev_indent + $$self{'par_indent'} and not $is_fragment && $line_no == 0) { }
0 806 elsif ($$self{'indent_par_break'} and not $$self{'__mode'} & ($PRE | $TABLE | $LIST) and not ${$prev_ref;} =~ /^\s*$/ and not ${$line_action_ref;} & $END and ${$prev_action_ref;} & ($IND_BREAK | $PAR) and not subtract_modes(${$line_action_ref;}, $END | $MAILQUOTE | $CAPS) and $line_indent > $$self{'par_indent'} and $line_indent == $prev_indent) { }
2491 0 259 if ($$self{'indent_par_break'} and not ${$prev_ref;} =~ /^\s*$/ and not ${$line_action_ref;} & $END and $line_indent > $prev_indent + $$self{'par_indent'}) { }
0 259 elsif ($$self{'preserve_indent'}) { }
2554 11 1316 if ($bullets_ordered)
2561 1123 14 unless $line =~ /^\s*[$bullets]\s+\S/ or $line =~ /^\s*${number_match}[\.\)\]:]\s+\S/ or $line =~ /^\s*$term_match:$/
2568 129 75 unless defined $number
2569 4 200 if ($bullets_ordered and $number =~ /[$bullets_ordered]/)
2578 8 196 if ($bullets =~ /o/ and $line =~ /^\s*o\s/)
2583 14 190 if ($term) { }
75 115 elsif ($number) { }
2644 28 40 if ($number) { }
6 34 elsif ($term) { }
2648 4 11 if ($number ne '1' and $number ne 'a' and $number ne 'A')
2706 34 30 if ($$self{'__list'}[$$self{'__listnum'} - 1] == $UL) { }
24 6 elsif ($$self{'__list'}[$$self{'__listnum'} - 1] == $OL) { }
6 0 elsif ($$self{'__list'}[$$self{'__listnum'} - 1] == $DL) { }
2730 30 23 if not $$self{'__listnum'}
2763 88 70 if ($$self{'__list'}[$$self{'__listnum'} - 1] == $UL and $$para_lines_ref[$ind] =~ /^\s*[$bullets]\s*/)
2770 61 97 if ($$self{'__list'}[$$self{'__listnum'} - 1] == $OL)
2776 9 149 if ($$self{'__list'}[$$self{'__listnum'} - 1] == $DL and $term)
2824 896 164 unless ($prefix)
2827 592 304 if ($ind > 0 and not $$para_lines_ref[$ind - 1] =~ /^\s*$/)
2835 12 279 if ($ind == 0 and $$self{'__listnum'} and $$para_line_indent_ref[$ind] == $$self{'__list_indent'}[$$self{'__listnum'} - 1])
2847 16 276 if ($$self{'__listnum'})
2862 0 164 if (length '' . $number > 1)
2874 0 73 if (length '' . $number > 1)
2876 0 0 if $prefix_alternate eq $$self{'__listprefix'}[$i]
2892 9 155 if ($term)
2902 23 141 if ($i > 0 and $i != $$self{'__listnum'}) { }
70 71 elsif (not $$self{'__listnum'} or $i != $$self{'__listnum'}) { }
2913 68 2 if ($$para_line_indent_ref[$ind] > 0 or $ind == 0 or $ind > 0 and $$para_lines_ref[$ind - 1] =~ /^\s*$/ or $ind > 0 and $$para_action_ref[$ind - 1] & ($BREAK | $HEADER | $CAPS)) { }
2943 158 4 if $$self{'__mode'} & $LIST
2949 135 27 if $islist
2969 7 116 if ($$self{'table_type'}{'DELIM'} and $self->is_delim_table(%args)) { }
7 109 elsif ($$self{'table_type'}{'ALIGN'} and $self->is_aligned_table(%args)) { }
4 105 elsif ($$self{'table_type'}{'PGSQL'} and $self->is_pgsql_table(%args)) { }
4 101 elsif ($$self{'table_type'}{'BORDER'} and $self->is_border_table(%args)) { }
3033 208 403 if length $row < $min
3034 193 418 if $max < length $row
3037 77 39 unless $spaces =~ /^ /
3043 7 109 if (2 <= @rows and 2 <= @starts) { }
3083 63 46 if (@{$rows_ref;} < 4)
3089 29 17 if (not $rows[0] =~ /\|/ and $rows[0] =~ /^\s*\w+/)
3093 10 36 if (@rows < 4)
3097 32 4 unless ($rows[0] =~ /^\s*\w+\s+\|\s+/)
3101 0 4 unless ($rows[1] =~ /^\s*[-]+[+][-]+/)
3105 0 4 unless ($rows[2] =~ /^\s*[^|]*\s+\|\s+/)
3110 0 4 unless ($rows[$#rows] =~ /\(\d+\s+rows\)/)
3149 77 28 if (@{$rows_ref;} < 5)
3155 18 10 if (not $rows[0] =~ /\|/ and $rows[0] =~ /^\s*\w+/)
3159 8 20 if (@rows < 5)
3163 16 4 unless ($rows[0] =~ /^\s*[+][-]+[+][-]+[+][-+]*$/)
3167 0 4 unless ($rows[1] =~ /^\s*\|\s*\w+\s+\|\s+.*\|$/)
3171 0 4 unless ($rows[2] =~ /^\s*[+][-]+[+][-]+[+][-+]*$/)
3175 0 4 unless ($rows[3] =~ /^\s*\|\s*[^|]*\s+\|\s+.*\|$/)
3180 0 4 unless ($rows[$#rows] =~ /^\s*[+][-]+[+][-]+[+][-+]*$/)
3218 0 123 if (@{$rows_ref;} < 2)
3224 44 79 if (not $rows[0] =~ /[^\w\s]/ and $rows[0] =~ /^\s*\w+/)
3228 30 93 if (@rows < 2)
3234 55 38 if ($rows[0] =~ /^\s*([^[:alnum:]])/) { }
3242 1 54 unless ($delim)
3254 16 38 if ($total_num_delims < 3)
3262 8 63 unless ($row =~ /^\s*[$delim]/)
3266 23 40 unless ($row =~ /[$delim]\s*$/)
3271 0 40 if (@all_delims != $total_num_delims)
3299 7 15 if ($table_type eq $TAB_ALIGN)
3303 4 11 if ($table_type eq $TAB_PGSQL)
3307 4 7 if ($table_type eq $TAB_BORDER)
3311 7 0 if ($table_type eq $TAB_DELIM)
3356 10 23 if length $row < $min
3357 18 15 if $max < length $row
3360 3 4 unless $spaces =~ /^ /
3366 4 3 if $spaces =~ /^ /
3370 7 0 if (2 <= @rows and 2 <= @starts) { }
3388 16 53 $cell =~ /^ / ? :
36 33 $cell =~ / $/ || length $cell < $width ? :
3395 12 12 if ($count[$_] * 2 > $population)
3411 69 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
3417 0 24 $$self{'lower_case_tags'} ? :
45 24 $$self{'xhtml'} ? :
3438 5 2 if ($$self{'xhtml'}) { }
3485 1 3 if (not $rows[0] =~ /\|/ and $rows[0] =~ /^\s*\w+/)
3499 3 1 if ($$self{'xhtml'}) { }
3508 1 3 if ($caption)
3550 1274 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
3554 422 852 unless ($cell)
3576 3 1 if ($$self{'xhtml'})
3613 0 4 if (not $rows[0] =~ /\|/ and $rows[0] =~ /^\s*\w+/)
3632 3 1 if ($$self{'xhtml'}) { }
3641 0 4 if ($caption)
3689 112 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
3693 0 112 unless ($cell)
3743 1 6 if (not $rows[0] =~ /\|/ and $rows[0] =~ /^\s*\w+/)
3749 7 0 if ($rows[0] =~ /^\s*([^[:alnum:]])/) { }
3761 5 2 if ($$self{'xhtml'}) { }
3770 1 6 if ($caption)
3795 95 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
3799 1 94 unless ($cell)
3864 0 0 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE_EXPLICIT)
3867 0 0 if ($para_ref =~ /$pe_mark/io) { }
3870 0 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
3881 0 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
3917 5 80 if ($$self{'__mode'} & $PRE_EXPLICIT)
3920 1 4 if ($$para_lines_ref[$ind] =~ /$pe_mark/io)
3922 0 1 if ($ind == 0) { }
3939 4 0 if (not $self->is_preformatted($$para_lines_ref[$ind]) and $$self{'endpreformat_trigger_lines'} == 1 || $ind + 1 < @{$para_lines_ref;} && !$self->is_preformatted($$para_lines_ref[$ind + 1]) || $ind + 1 >= @{$para_lines_ref;})
3949 0 4 if ($ind == 0) { }
3996 6 817 if ($$self{'use_preformat_marker'})
3999 1 5 if (${$line_ref;} =~ /$pstart/io)
4001 0 1 if (${$prev_ref;} =~ s/


4014 20 15 if (not ${$line_action_ref;} & $MAILQUOTE || ${$prev_action_ref;} & $MAILQUOTE and $$self{'preformat_trigger_lines'} == 0 || $self->is_preformatted(${$line_ref;}) && ($$self{'preformat_trigger_lines'} == 1 || defined $next_ref && $self->is_preformatted(${$next_ref;})))
4030 0 20 if (${$prev_ref;} =~ s/


4055 11 62 unless $heading_level
4068 2 149 unless $$self{'__heading_count'}[$i]
4088 11 0 if ($$self{'make_anchors'})
4091 10 1 if ($$self{'lower_case_tags'}) { }
4115 0 63 if ($DictDebug & 8)
4119 62 1 if ($$self{'make_anchors'})
4122 47 15 if ($$self{'lower_case_tags'}) { }
4131 0 63 if ($DictDebug & 8)
4149 24 39 unless $$self{'__heading_styles'}{$style}
4174 32 235 if ($prefix and not $number)
4204 54 181 if (not ${$line_ref;} =~ /^\s*$/ || $self->is_ul_list_line('line', ${$line_ref;}) and defined $next_ref and ${$next_ref;} =~ /^\s*[-=*.~+]+\s*$/)
4210 0 54 unless defined $hoffset
4211 0 54 unless defined $heading
4215 0 54 unless defined $uoffset
4216 0 54 unless defined $underline
4219 3 51 if $lendiff < 0
4222 0 54 if $offsetdiff < 0
4223 54 0 if ($lendiff <= $$self{'underline_length_tolerance'} or $offsetdiff <= $$self{'underline_offset_tolerance'})
4255 0 54 unless defined $hoffset
4256 0 54 unless defined $heading
4259 0 54 unless defined $uoffset
4260 0 54 unless defined $underline
4265 13 41 if $self->iscaps(${$line_ref;})
4268 54 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
4297 9 152 if $line =~ /$reg/
4322 9 2 if (${$line_ref;} =~ /$reg/)
4324 0 9 if ($$self{'explicit_headings'}) { }
4332 9 0 if ($$self{'escape_HTML_chars'})
4429 3 1062 if ($$self{'caps_tag'} and $self->iscaps(${$line_ref;}))
4463 438 880 if ($delim eq '#') { }
1 879 elsif ($delim eq '^') { }
440 439 elsif ($delim eq '_') { }
438 1 elsif (length $delim eq 1) { }
4465 0 438 if (${$line_ref;} =~ /\B#([[:alpha:]])#\B/s)
4470 342 96 if (not ${$line_ref;} =~ /<[aA]/) { }
4486 1 1 unless ($self->in_link_context($linkme, $line_with_links))
4504 0 440 if (${$line_ref;} =~ /\B_([[:alpha:]])_\B/s) { }
4524 11 4 unless ($self->in_link_context($linkme, $line_with_links))
4536 0 438 if (${$line_ref;} =~ /\B[$delim]([[:alpha:]])[$delim]\B/s)
4569 0 0 if ($escaped)
4575 0 0 if ($char eq '\\')
4581 0 0 if ($char eq '?')
4586 0 0 if ($char eq '*')
4623 1352 0 if (not $$self{'__links_table'}{$label}) { }
4634 0 1352 if $DictDebug & 1
4640 0 0 if ($DictDebug & 1)
4722 0 26 if $DictDebug & 1
4725 0 26 if ($dict =~ /->\s*->/)
4732 0 0 if $near =~ /\S/
4741 390 962 unless defined $options
4745 26 1326 if $options =~ /i/i
4747 0 1352 if $options =~ /e/i
4749 780 572 if $options =~ /h/i
4751 156 1196 if $options =~ /o/i
4753 0 1352 if $options =~ /s/i
4757 104 1248 if ($key =~ m[^/]) { }
1092 156 elsif ($key =~ /^\|/) { }
156 0 elsif ($key =~ /\"/) { }
4807 572 780 if (not $switches & $LINK_HTML) { }
4810 550 22 $$self{'lower_case_tags'} ? :
4819 750 30 if ($$self{'lower_case_tags'})
4830 26 1326 if $switches & $LINK_NOCASE
4831 0 1352 if $switches & $LINK_EVAL
4849 0 1352 if $DictDebug & 2
4853 26 1326 if ($switches & $LINK_NOCASE) { }
4883 12 112 if $match =~ m[]i
4886 92 20 if ($$self{'lower_case_tags'}) { }
4897 29 46 if $final_open >= 0 and $final_close < 0 || $final_open > $final_close
4907 82 1 if $final_open >= 0
4933 440 0 if ($$self{'make_links'} and @{$$self{'__links_table_order'};})
4941 439 1 if ($$self{'bold_delimiter'})
4943 366 73 $$self{'lower_case_tags'} ? :
4951 439 1 if ($$self{'italic_delimiter'})
4953 366 73 $$self{'lower_case_tags'} ? :
4961 440 0 if ($$self{'underline_delimiter'})
4963 367 73 $$self{'lower_case_tags'} ? :
5005 2640 20240 if ($switches & $LINK_ONCE) { }
0 20240 elsif ($switches & $LINK_SECT_ONCE) { }
5008 11 2629 if (not $$self{'__done_with_link'}[$i] and ${$line_ref;} =~ /$$self{'__search_patterns'}[$i]/)
5016 11 0 unless ($self->in_link_context($linkme, $line_with_links))
5018 0 11 if $DictDebug & 4
5033 0 0 if (not $$self{'__done_with_sect_link'}[$i] and ${$line_ref;} =~ /$$self{'__search_patterns'}[$i]/)
5041 0 0 unless ($self->in_link_context($linkme, $line_with_links))
5043 0 0 if $DictDebug & 4
5064 60 36 unless ($self->in_link_context($linkme, $line_with_links))
5066 0 60 if $DictDebug & 4
5100 0 0 unless $dict
5101 0 0 unless open DICT, "$dict"
5107 0 0 if /^\#/
5109 0 0 if /^.*[^\\]:\s*$/
5117 26 0 if ($$self{'__global_links_data'})
5139 13 21 unless ($$self{'extract'})
5144 13 0 if ($$self{'doctype'})
5146 12 1 if ($$self{'xhtml'}) { }
5168 2 11 if ($$self{'titlefirst'} and not $$self{'title'})
5172 2 0 if $$self{'escape_HTML_chars'}
5175 11 2 unless ($$self{'title'})
5182 0 13 if ($$self{'append_head'})
5184 0 0 unless open APPEND, $$self{'append_head'}
5193 12 1 if ($$self{'lower_case_tags'}) { }
5211 0 13 if ($$self{'style_url'})
5214 0 0 if ($$self{'lower_case_tags'}) { }
5236 0 13 if ($$self{'body_deco'}) { }
5247 0 34 if ($$self{'prepend_file'})
5249 0 0 if (-r $$self{'prepend_file'}) { }
5278 26 452 if (not $$self{'__call_init_done'})
5280 0 26 if $$self{'make_links'} and -f $$self{'default_link_dict'}
5282 26 0 if ($$self{'links_dictionaries'})
5290 0 0 if (-r $ld) { }
5301 26 0 if ($$self{'make_links'})