Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 73 31.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
315 0 13 defined $_ and $_ ne '' and $delims{$_} = 1
316 0 6 defined $_ and $_ ne '' and $delims{$_} = 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
93 1 0 0 exists $param{'vb'} and $param{'vb'}
103 1 0 0 exists $param{'tgml'} and $param{'tgml'}
113 1 0 0 exists $param{'ansi'} and $param{'ansi'}
247 7 0 0 exists $args{'type'} and exists $args{'code'}
283 6 1 0 $grammar->can('highlight') and $options ne 'simple'
315 0 0 13 defined $_ and $_ ne ''
316 0 0 6 defined $_ and $_ ne ''
321 8 0 6 defined $$self{'_active'}{'blockCommentOn'}[$_] and $$self{'_active'}{'blockCommentOn'}[$_] ne ''
8 0 6 defined $$self{'_active'}{'blockCommentOn'}[$_] and $$self{'_active'}{'blockCommentOn'}[$_] ne '' and defined $$self{'_active'}{'blockCommentOff'}[$_]
0 0 6 defined $$self{'_active'}{'blockCommentOn'}[$_] and $$self{'_active'}{'blockCommentOn'}[$_] ne '' and defined $$self{'_active'}{'blockCommentOff'}[$_] and $$self{'_active'}{'blockCommentOff'}[$_] ne ''
337 0 0 24 %delims and $cur != -1
398 0 0 8 %d and $idx != -1
626 0 0 0 exists $args{'type'} and exists $args{'grammar'}
647 0 0 0 not $force and exists $$self{'_grammars'}{$type}
723 0 0 0 /^\#KEYWORD/ and $key <= $KEYMAX
725 0 0 0 defined($_ = <$FH>) and not /^\#/
771 0 0 0 $key and $key <= $KEYMAX
774 0 0 0 defined($_ = <$FH>) and not m[^/(?!/)]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
405 0 0 8 not defined $m or $m eq "\n"
529 25 10 9 not defined $min or $$delims{$_} < $$delims{$min}
571 107 0 24 $code =~ /$re/cg or $code =~ /\G(.+)/gs
704 0 0 0 /^;/ or not /./
728 0 0 0 /^;/ or not /./