Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 38 0.0

line true false branch
119 0 0 if ($@)
120 0 0 unless ref $@ and $@->isa('Exception')
126 0 0 if $cur_catch->[0] eq '::FINALLY::'
127 0 0 if ($find_catch or $@->isa($cur_catch->[0])) { }
129 0 0 if (ref $cur_catch->[1] eq 'CODE') { }
132 0 0 if ($@)
135 0 0 unless ref $@ and $@->isa('Exception')
144 0 0 ref $cur_catch->[1] eq 'CODE' ? :
149 0 0 ref $cur_catch->[1] eq 'CODE' ? :
152 0 0 if defined $cur_catch and ref $cur_catch ne 'ARRAY'
155 0 0 if defined $cur_catch
157 0 0 if $@ and not $find_catch
169 0 0 if (defined $_[1])
175 0 0 unless ref $exception
191 0 0 unless defined $text
203 0 0 unless defined $package
205 0 0 if $package ne 'qbit::Exceptions' and $subroutine ne 'qbit::Exceptions::try'
231 0 0 &blessed($text) && $text->isa('Exception') ? :
264 0 0 $self->{'parent'} ? :