Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 52 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
20 0 0 0 $Psh::debugging and $Psh::debugging =~ /o/
29 0 0 0 $Psh::debugging and $Psh::debugging eq '1' || $Psh::debugging =~ /$class/
93 0 0 0 ref $list[0] and ref $list[0] eq 'ARRAY'
99 0 0 0 length $_ > $maxwidth && ($maxwidth = length $_)
152 0 0 0 $tmp and -r $tmp
153 0 0 0 -d $tmp and -x _
193 0 0 0 -r $dir and -x _
239 0 0 0 $path_element and $cmd_element
243 0 0 0 -x $try and not -d _
247 0 0 0 exists $Psh::Util::command_hash{$cmd} and not $all
264 0 0 0 -x $try . $ext and not -d _
271 0 0 0 $all and @all
288 0 0 0 length $text >= length $prefix && substr($text, 0, length $prefix) eq $prefix
300 0 0 0 length $text >= length $suffix && substr($text, -length($suffix)) eq $suffix
335 0 0 0 $line and lc($line) =~ /$allowed/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
237 0 0 $1 || ''
238 0 0 $2 || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
29 0 0 0 $Psh::debugging eq '1' || $Psh::debugging =~ /$class/