Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 84 0.0

line true false branch
20 0 0 if $Psh::debugging and $Psh::debugging =~ /o/
29 0 0 if $Psh::debugging and $Psh::debugging eq '1' || $Psh::debugging =~ /$class/
52 0 0 unless $stream
86 0 0 unless @list
93 0 0 if (ref $list[0] and ref $list[0] eq 'ARRAY')
98 0 0 unless ($maxwidth)
103 0 0 $maxwidth >= $screen_width ? :
122 0 0 if ($index <= $#list)
133 0 0 unless $dir
134 0 0 if $Psh::Util::path_hash{$dir}
136 0 0 unless ($result)
137 0 0 if ($dir eq '~') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($dir, 0, 2) eq '~/') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($dir, 0, 1) eq '~') { }
144 0 0 if ($user)
148 0 0 unless ($result)
152 0 0 if ($tmp and -r $tmp)
153 0 0 if (-d $tmp and -x _) { }
154 0 0 if (chdir $tmp)
156 0 0 unless (chdir $old)
173 0 0 unless $result
175 0 0 if ($result)
176 0 0 unless $result =~ m([/\\])
179 0 0 if Psh::OS::file_name_is_absolute($dir)
191 0 0 unless $dir
193 0 0 unless -r $dir and -x _
197 0 0 if $@
232 0 0 unless $cmd
235 0 0 if ($cmd =~ /$re1/o)
239 0 0 unless $path_element and $cmd_element
241 0 0 unless $path_element
243 0 0 if (-x $try and not -d _)
247 0 0 if exists $Psh::Util::command_hash{$cmd} and not $all
249 0 0 unless ($cmd =~ /$Psh::which_regexp/)
251 0 0 if ($last_path_cwd ne $ENV{'PATH'} . $ENV{'PWD'})
261 0 0 unless $dir
264 0 0 if (-x $try . $ext and not -d _)
265 0 0 unless $all
266 0 0 unless $all
271 0 0 if ($all and @all)
315 0 0 if $line =~ /^\s*$/
316 0 0 if $line =~ /^\s*\#/