Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 186 0.0

line true false branch
16 0 0 if ($term =~ /^(rxvt.*)|(xterm.*)|(.*xterm)|(kterm)|(aixterm)|(dtterm)/)
44 0 0 if (open F_KNOWNHOST, "< $hosts_file")
51 0 0 if (-r $tmp)
52 0 0 if (open F_KNOWNHOST, "< $tmp")
55 0 0 unless $_
56 0 0 if (/^([a-zA-Z].*?)\,/)
62 0 0 unless (@result)
74 0 0 unless (@user_cache)
101 0 0 if $@
102 0 0 if $@
109 0 0 if not $user and -d $ENV{'HOME'}
116 0 0 if (-r '/etc/pshrc')
120 0 0 if ($home)
134 0 0 if (not $ENV{'SHLVL'} and $pwent[8] eq $0) { }
167 0 0 if $Psh::OS::Unix::forked_already
168 0 0 if $terminal_owner == $_[0]
201 0 0 unless (defined $quiet)
209 0 0 unless $job
219 0 0 unless ($$job{'running'})
225 0 0 if $returnpid < 1
231 0 0 if ($returnpid == $pid and POSIX::WIFSTOPPED($pid_status) and Psh::OS::signal_name(POSIX::WSTOPSIG($pid_status)) eq 'TTOU')
240 0 0 if ($returnpid == $pid)
246 0 0 if length $output
265 0 0 if (POSIX::WIFEXITED($pid_status)) { }
0 0 elsif (POSIX::WIFSIGNALED($pid_status)) { }
0 0 elsif (POSIX::WIFSTOPPED($pid_status)) { }
267 0 0 if ($status == 0) { }
268 0 0 unless $quiet
284 0 0 if ($verb and $visindex > 0)
286 0 0 if $collect
334 0 0 if (defined $eval_thingie)
335 0 0 if ($#array)
339 0 0 if ($$_[0] == &Psh::Parser::T_REDIRECT() and $$_[1] eq '<&' || $$_[1] eq '>&')
341 0 0 if ($$_[3] eq 'chainin') { }
0 0 elsif ($$_[3] eq 'chainout') { }
355 0 0 unless ($i or $pgrp_leader)
359 0 0 if ($i < $#array and $#array)
363 0 0 if (@return_val < 1 or not defined $return_val[0])
368 0 0 if $i > 0
372 0 0 if ($pid)
375 0 0 if ($fgflag) { }
389 0 0 if ref $options ne 'ARRAY'
393 0 0 if ($$option[0] == &Psh::Parser::T_REDIRECT())
397 0 0 if ($$option[1] eq '<&') { }
0 0 elsif ($$option[1] eq '>&') { }
0 0 elsif ($$option[1] eq '<') { }
0 0 elsif ($$option[1] eq '>') { }
0 0 elsif ($$option[1] eq '>>') { }
417 0 0 if ($^F < $type)
428 0 0 if ref $options ne 'ARRAY'
431 0 0 if $$option[0] == &Psh::Parser::T_REDIRECT()
453 0 0 if ($fgflag and not $forcefork and ref $code eq 'CODE' and not _has_redirects($options))
457 0 0 if $@ and not $@ =~ /^SECRET/
461 0 0 unless ($pid = fork)
462 0 0 unless (defined $pid)
468 0 0 if $pgrp_leader
471 0 0 if $fgflag and not $termflag
474 0 0 if (ref $code eq 'CODE') { }
476 0 0 if (not @tmp or $tmp[0])
482 0 0 if (not ref $options) { }
494 0 0 if $fgflag and not $termflag
501 0 0 unless $pid
503 0 0 unless ($fgflag)
507 0 0 if $fgflag
525 0 0 if (defined $job)
529 0 0 if ($command)
533 0 0 if ($fg_flag) { }
0 0 elsif ($qRunning) { }
544 0 0 if ($fg_flag) { }
0 0 elsif (not $qRunning) { }
546 0 0 if $@
558 0 0 if $$job{'pgrp_leader'}
567 0 0 unless (my $pid = fork)
570 0 0 if $write > $^F
625 0 0 if exists $special_handlers{$sig} and not ref $special_handlers{$sig}
643 0 0 if (exists $special_handlers{$sig})
644 0 0 if (ref $special_handlers{$sig})
711 0 0 if ($Psh::currently_active > 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($Psh::currently_active < 0) { }
721 0 0 if $sig eq 'INT'
760 0 0 if ($debian == -1)
761 0 0 if (-r '/etc/debian-version') { }
775 0 0 if (_check_debian()) { }
787 0 0 unless $^O eq 'cygwin'
789 0 0 unless $path eq './'
791 0 0 unless $path eq '/'
797 0 0 unless @_
799 0 0 unless substr($dir, -1) eq '/'
807 0 0 if $_ eq '' or substr($_, -1) ne '/'
824 0 0 if (not $directories =~ m[/\Z(?!\n)]) { }
838 0 0 unless (file_name_is_absolute($path))
840 0 0 if (not defined $base or $base eq '') { }
0 0 elsif (not file_name_is_absolute($base)) { }