Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 18 66.6

line true false branch
15 0 8 unless $match
41 8 0 if (looks_like_a_module($module)) { }
44 0 8 if $@
57 11 49 if $clauses[-1][0] =~ /if|elsif/ and @{$clauses[-1];} == 4
70 11 2 if (@$_ == 4) { }
2 0 elsif (@$_ == 2) { }
73 0 11 unless $if =~ /if|elsif/ and exists $condition{$condition} and $version =~ /^\d[\.\d]*$/ and looks_like_a_module($module)
79 6 5 if $condition{$condition}($version)
83 0 2 unless $else eq 'else' and looks_like_a_module($module)