Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 74 5.4

line true false branch
60 0 4 unless ($found)
151 0 0 if has_makefilepl
155 0 0 if has_buildpl
163 0 0 if has_makefile and has_makefilepl
171 0 0 if has_build and has_buildpl
196 0 0 if $pler::VERBOSE
220 0 0 unless exec @_
246 0 0 unless (defined $script)
255 0 0 unless my $orig = $ENV{'PWD'}
267 0 0 unless (-f $buildpl or -f $makefilepl)
277 0 0 unless (in_distroot)
282 0 0 has_makefilepl ? :
0 0 has_buildpl ? :
283 0 0 if ($BUILD_SYSTEM eq 'build')
286 0 0 unless (grep {$_ eq '-w';} @SWITCHES)
293 0 0 if ($BUILD_SYSTEM eq 'make') { }
0 0 elsif ($BUILD_SYSTEM eq 'build') { }
294 0 0 if (needs_makefile or old_makefile and !1)
298 0 0 if (needs_build or old_build)
304 0 0 if ($script =~ /\.t$/) { }
310 0 0 if (-f $tab_completed)
311 0 0 if ($orig eq $ENV{'PWD'}) { }
320 0 0 has_xt ? :
328 0 0 unless (@$matches)
331 0 0 if (@$matches > 1)
342 0 0 unless (-f $script)
347 0 0 if ($BUILD_SYSTEM eq 'make') { }
0 0 elsif ($BUILD_SYSTEM eq 'build') { }
351 0 0 if (in_distroot and has_makefile and has_makefilepl)
355 0 0 if (in_distroot and has_build and has_buildpl)
369 0 0 if (has_blib) { }
0 0 elsif (has_lib) { }
370 0 0 if (has_inc)
391 0 0 unless ('pler'->is_verbose)
395 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
410 0 3 if (ref $term eq 'Regexp') { }
2 1 elsif ($term =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/) { }