Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 72 88.8

line true false branch
216 5 20 if @stack
284 2 21 lc($ENV{'PERL_NAMESPACE_LOCAL'} || '') eq 'debug' ? :
315 0 5 if $self->{'next'} and not $self->{'next'}{'done'}
323 0 5 if $self->{'todo'} and not $self->{'done'}
337 15 12 if ($known_action{$arg}) { }
2 10 elsif ($arg eq '-target') { }
5 5 elsif ($arg eq '-except') { }
4 1 elsif ($arg eq '-only') { }
343 1 4 if (ref $cond eq 'Regexp') { }
3 1 elsif (ref $cond eq 'ARRAY') { }
352 2 2 if (ref $cond eq 'Regexp') { }
1 1 elsif (ref $cond eq 'ARRAY') { }
392 1 5 unless /^([\$\@\%]?)(\w+)$/
410 4 21 if ($action eq '-around') { }
14 7 elsif ($action eq '-below') { }
422 7 18 if ($action eq '-above') { }
441 3 25 if $self->{'next'}
444 25 3 unless $self->{'done'}++
495 0 27 unless keys %$diff
507 65 45 if defined $table->{$_}{'CODE'}
525 1 26 if (my $restrict = $self->{'restrict_symbols'})
535 10 2 unless $restrict->{$name}{$type} and not $touch_not->{$name}{$type}
553 21 364 if $skip->{$type}
555 66 298 if (ref $old->{$type} ne ref $new->{$type})
563 0 298 unless ref $new->{$type}
566 4 294 if (&refaddr($old->{$type}) != &refaddr($new->{$type}))
572 49 162 if ($diff->{$name})
603 396 1235 if /^\w+$/ and not $_ =~ /$except/
620 2 61 if $self->{'restrict_symbols'}
629 749 1747 if defined $value
659 34 298 unless ref $copy->{$type}
668 0 298 unless (eval { do { no strict 'refs'; *{$package . '::' . $name;} = $copy->{$type}; 1 } })
687 6 0 $old_table ? :
698 6 0 if ((&refaddr($new) || 0) != (&refaddr($old) || 0)) { }
709 0 9 &blessed($ref) ? :
9 3 ref $ref ? :