Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 24 66.6

line true false branch
22 0 1 unless $count > 1
23 1 0 unless $opts
29 0 1 $round > $actual ? :
30 0 1 $count - $round < $actual ? :
35 1 12 if $last and $last == $number
36 0 12 if $number <= 0
37 0 12 if $number > $count
38 1 11 if $last and $last + 1 != $number
44 0 1 if ($actual == 1) { }
50 1 12 if ($number eq '..') { }
1 11 elsif ($number == $actual) { }
58 0 1 if ($actual == $count) { }