Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 126 0.0

line true false branch
107 0 0 if (yes_no($self->val('compute_size', 0))) { }
133 0 0 if ($status->val('job', 'config_sum', '') ne $newsum) { }
152 0 0 if ($self->_compute_config_sum ne $status->val('job', 'config_sum', '')) { }
153 0 0 if $status->val('job', 'start', 0)
160 0 0 if ($last_start)
164 0 0 if ($self->val('waitafter', WAITAFTER_MINIMA()) and $status->val('job', 'end'))
172 0 0 if ($self->val('waitaftersuccess') and $status->val('success', 'end'))
196 0 0 unless $_[0]->val('source')
231 0 0 if ($$self{'lockcount'})
241 0 0 $share ? :
0 0 if (open $$self{'lockfh'}, $share ? '<' : '>', $self->_lockpath) { }
242 0 0 $share ? :
0 0 unless (flock $$self{'lockfh'}, 4 | ($share ? 1 : 2))
244 0 0 if ($! + 0 != 11)
258 0 0 unless $share
276 0 0 unless $$self{'lockfh'}
277 0 0 if --$$self{'lockcount'}
291 0 0 if ($$self{'mmm'}->_task_is_registred($self->name))
295 0 0 if (not defined $stat[9]) { }
298 0 0 if ($res) { }
300 0 0 if ($res > 1) { }
308 0 0 -f $self->_statusfile ? :
0 0 unless 'Config::IniFiles'->new(-f $self->_statusfile ? (-'file', $self->_statusfile) : ())
331 0 0 defined $$self{'successive_failure_before'} ? :
334 0 0 defined $$self{'successive_failure_after'} ? :
338 0 0 defined $after ? :
351 0 0 $$self{'options'}{'dryrun'} ? :
359 0 0 unless $self->getlock
373 0 0 unless (defined $status->val('job', 'first_sync'))
379 0 0 unless (-d $self->dest)
390 0 0 if ($self->val('pre_exec'))
394 0 0 if (system(@cmd) != 0)
395 0 0 if ($? == -1) { }
405 0 0 if (my $url = $self->val('url')) { }
416 0 0 $res ? :
417 0 0 if ($res) { }
418 0 0 $$self{'options'}{'dryrun'} ? :
428 0 0 $$self{'output'} ? :
435 0 0 if ($self->val('post_exec'))
437 0 0 if ($res)
444 0 0 if (system(@cmd) != 0)
445 0 0 if ($? == -1) { }
454 0 0 if (yes_no($self->val('compute_size', 0)) and scalar time > $status->val('job', 'size_time', 0) + duration2m($self->val('size_delay', SIZE_DELAY()) * 60))
462 0 0 unless $$self{'options'}{'dryrun'}
464 0 0 if ($$self{'mmm'}->can('send_mail'))
465 0 0 if ($status->val('job', 'old_failure_count', 0) != $status->val('job', 'successive_failure_count', 0) and grep {$status->val('job', 'successive_failure_count', 0) == $_;} 0, $self->val('errors_mail', 3))
485 0 0 unless $url =~ m[/$]
486 0 0 if $self->val('subdir')
487 0 0 unless $url =~ m[/$]
501 0 0 if (my $v = $self->val($val))
518 0 0 if (my $m = 'MMM::Mirror'->new('url', $url))
527 0 0 if ($$self{'options'}{'dryrun'}) { }
533 0 0 $sync_res ? :
539 0 0 if ($sync_res != 1)
548 0 0 $sync_res ? :
558 0 0 if ($sync_res == 0) { }
562 0 0 unless $$self{'output'}
0 0 if (@{[] unless $$self{'output'};})
566 0 0 @{$$self{'output'};} > 10 ? :
594 0 0 unless $self->getlock
595 0 0 unless (-d $self->dest)
596 0 0 unless open my $handle, sprintf('\\du -s %s |', $self->dest)
598 0 0 if ($line and $line =~ /^(\d+)/)