Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 30 60.0

line true false branch
110 7 0 unless defined &lib::abs::DEBUG
123 0 65 unless length $file
135 0 0 $! ? :
0 12 unless my $ret = abs_path($abs)
144 24 83 ref $_ || m[^/] ? :
149 12 71 if (index($abs, '*') != -1 or index($abs, '?') != -1) { }
153 0 0 $! ? :
0 0 unless $x = abs_path($_) and -d $x or $SOFT
155 30 0 defined $x ? :
162 2 0 $! ? :
2 2 unless $_ and not $@ and -d $_ or $SOFT
165 68 1 defined $_ ? :
173 1 53 unless @_
175 2 51 if ($_[0] eq '-soft')
188 0 12 unless @_