Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 26 69.2

line true false branch
15 0 6 if $name eq ''
21 0 1 if not $ENV{'FF_HARNESS_ACTIVE'} and $^S
26 1 0 if not $ENV{'FF_HARNESS_ACTIVE'} and $caller[3] && $caller[3] =~ /eval/ || $caller[1] && $caller[1] =~ /eval/
31 1 4 unless $module
51 1 348 if (edistance(lc $file, lc $module) <= 2)
53 1 0 if $file
81 0 1242 if $file =~ /\A\./
86 0 1242 if $path eq ''
89 0 1242 if @path_parts and $path_parts[0] eq 'auto'
92 44 1198 if $path_depth > $module_depth
93 1016 182 if $path_depth < $module_depth
98 3 179 $distance <= 2 ? :
116 0 1255 if $ENV{'FF_DEBUG'}