Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 62 45.1

line true false branch
227 0 90 /^$/s ? :
241 1 62 if $modifier
243 45 18 if (defined $tag) { }
250 0 45 if ($ignore_tags{$tag})
255 23 22 unless ($closing)
260 23 0 if (defined $alias) { }
264 5 18 if (defined $specials{$alias})
279 4 0 if $v =~ /^\'(.*)\'$/s or $v =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/s
286 3 1 if (defined $alias) { }
289 0 1 if $debug
294 0 0 if $debug
299 23 22 if ($closing or $empty)
302 0 23 unless $p eq $tag
307 23 0 if (defined $alias)
311 5 18 if (defined $specials{$alias}) { }
314 3 2 if ($specials{$alias}) { }
315 3 0 unless ref $$parent{$alias} and ref $$parent{$alias} eq 'ARRAY'
330 3 2 if defined $$here{'description'}
335 0 0 unless length $thislastval == 0 and defined $$here{$alias} and length $$here{$alias}
343 0 18 length $lastval ? :
347 0 1 if @stack
359 0 0 unless defined $tag
364 0 0 if $tag eq 'p' or $tag eq 'br'
367 0 0 if ($tag eq 'img' and not defined $$here{'altimage'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($tag eq 'a' and not defined $$here{'altlink'}) { }
384 0 0 if $v =~ /^\'(.*)\'$/s or $v =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/s
397 0 0 if defined $ord
409 0 0 $1 < 256 ? :
410 0 0 hex $1 < 256 ? :
421 0 0 if (ref $v eq 'HASH')
427 0 0 if (ref $v eq 'ARRAY')