Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
74 0 0 if (Combine::Config::Get('httpProxy'))
88 0 0 unless $since
92 0 0 if ($type) { }
93 0 0 unless defined ${Combine::Config::Get('converters');}{$type}
95 0 0 if ($url_str =~ m[\.([^/\s\.]+)\s*$])
98 0 0 if defined ${Combine::Config::Get('binext');}{$ext}
101 0 0 if ($method eq 'HEAD')
103 0 0 if $userAgentGetIfModifiedSince
105 0 0 if (Combine::Config::Get('UserAgentFollowRedirects')) { }
110 0 0 if ($code eq '200')
112 0 0 if $type and defined ${Combine::Config::Get('converters');}{$type}
115 0 0 if ($method eq 'GET')
117 0 0 if $userAgentGetIfModifiedSince
119 0 0 if (Combine::Config::Get('UserAgentFollowRedirects')) { }
138 0 0 if (defined $t)
147 0 0 unless $xwi->checkedDate
148 0 0 if ($code eq '200' or $code eq '206')
149 0 0 if ($method eq 'GET' and length $resp->content_ref > 0)
152 0 0 if ($resp->decoded_content('ref', 1)) { }
165 0 0 if ($str)