Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 69 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
191 0 0 0 defined $nick and length $nick
280 0 0 0 $args{'SSL'} and not eval { do { require IO::Async::SSL } }
346 0 0 0 $colcode =~ /^(\d\d?)/ and defined $irc_colour_map[$1]
600 0 0 0 defined $spec and $spec =~ /^"/
757 0 0 0 $hints->{'target_is_me'} and defined $hints->{'prefix_name'}
0 0 0 $hints->{'target_is_me'} and defined $hints->{'prefix_name'} and not $hints->{'prefix_is_me'}
781 0 0 0 $self->can($method) and $self->$method($message, $hints)
1415 0 0 0 exists $items->{$name} and $items->{$name}->get_prop_real

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
624 0 0 $event->{'target_type'} || ''
878 0 0 $message ||= 'Server is disconnected'
963 0 0 $self->{'pending_joins'} //= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
278 0 0 0 $args{'nick'} || $self->get_prop_nick || $self->{'configured_nick'}
312 0 0 0 $args{'local_host'} || $self->{'local_host'}
392 0 0 0 $ctrl eq 'U' or $ctrl eq '_'
0 0 0 $ctrl eq 'R' or $ctrl eq ']'
802 0 0 0 $hints->{'handled'} || $hints->{'synthesized'}
901 0 0 0 $reconnect_delays[$self->{'reconnect_delay_idx'}++] // $reconnect_delays[-1]
1065 0 0 0 $opts->{'port'} || $s->{'port'}
0 0 0 $opts->{'SSL'} || $s->{'SSL'}
0 0 0 $opts->{'ident'} || $s->{'ident'}
0 0 0 $opts->{'pass'} || $s->{'pass'}
1280 0 0 0 $self->{'whois_gate_f'}{$user_folded} ||= 'Future'->new
1404 0 0 0 $all{$_}->get_prop_real or delete $all{$_}
1485 0 0 0 $self->{'widget_channel_completegroup'} ||= do { my $registry = $self->{'registry'}; my $widget = $registry->construct('Circle::Widget::Entry::CompleteGroup'); my %id_to_name; $self->watch_property('channels', 'on_set', sub { my(undef, $channels) = @_; $widget->set(map({$id_to_name{$_->id} = $_->name;} values %$channels)); } , 'on_add', sub { my(undef, $added) = @_; $widget->add($id_to_name{$added->id} = $added->name); } , 'on_del', sub { my(undef, $deleted_id) = @_; $widget->remove(delete $id_to_name{$deleted_id}); } ); $widget->set(keys %{$$self{'channels'};}); $widget }