Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 24 91.6

line true false branch
20 7 0 $] lt '5.036' ? :
36 3 4 @_ ? :
40 6 1 if ($arg =~ /^:(.+)/) { }
0 1 elsif ($arg =~ /^\!(.+)/) { }
42 1 5 unless (exists $EXPORT_TAGS{$tag})
46 1 5 unless $EXPORT_TAGS{$tag}
82 63 1 if (my $code = $subs->{$name}) { }
139 1 39 unless defined $value
140 4 35 if ref $value
141 22 13 unless &Scalar::Util::isdual($value)
155 16 26 if $flags & 12288 and not $flags & 16384
162 17 7 if defined $value and not ref $value and not &_is_bool($value)