Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 43 48 89.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
270 13 2 10 defined $args and ref $args ne 'ARRAY'
1159 0 6 2 defined $args and @$args

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
783 14 12 $group__value->{'operator'} // 'str'
784 9 17 $group__value->{'direction'} // 'asc'
785 9 17 $group__value->{'extract'} // sub { $_; }
977 1 2 $value_sub //= sub { $_; }
1007 1 4 shift() // 0
1038 2 2 shift() // []
1157 19 68 $args //= []
1181 6 0 $_->$accessor(@$args) // ''
1182 0 0 $_->{$accessor} // ''
1430 14 1 $accessors ||= []
1431 11 4 $comparisons ||= []
1527 8 9 $args //= []
1559 2 8 $value_sub //= sub { $_; }
1592 10 16 shift() // 0
1624 4 4 shift() // []
1718 6 1 $key_value_subref //= ''
1759 4 1 $value_subref //= ''
1804 5 1 $array_item_subref //= ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
751 9 27 2 $group ||= $option__group->{$option}
1648 4 7 0 $new_key //= $original_key