Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 60 135 44.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
161 28 0 0 $b1 == 31 and $b2 == 157
162 28 0 0 $b1 == 31 and $b2 == 139
163 25 0 3 $b1 == 66 and $b2 == 90
25 0 3 $b1 == 66 and $b2 == 90 and $b3 == 104
0 0 3 $b1 == 66 and $b2 == 90 and $b3 == 104 and $b4 > 47
170 5 20 0 read $FILE_TO_GUESS, $tar_test, 5 and $tar_test eq 'ustar'
175 24 0 1 $b1 == 247 and $b2 == 2
182 24 0 0 $b1 == 77 and $b2 == 77
24 0 0 $b1 == 77 and $b2 == 77 and $filename =~ /\.tif/i
184 24 0 0 $b1 == 255 and $b2 == 216
24 0 0 $b1 == 255 and $b2 == 216 and $b3 == 255
0 0 0 $b1 == 255 and $b2 == 216 and $b3 == 255 and $b4 == 224 || $b4 == 238
187 23 0 1 $b1 == 0 and $b2 == 0
23 1 0 $b1 == 0 and $b2 == 0 and $b3 == 1
1 0 0 $b1 == 0 and $b2 == 0 and $b3 == 1 and $b4 == 179
200 14 0 2 $b1 == 197 and $b2 == 208
14 0 2 $b1 == 197 and $b2 == 208 and $b3 == 211
0 0 2 $b1 == 197 and $b2 == 208 and $b3 == 211 and $b4 == 198
214 40 0 0 /\%auto-ignore/ and $. <= 10
217 0 40 0 $. <= 10 and /\\input texinfo/
220 0 40 0 $. <= 40 and /(^|\r)Content-type: /i
228 6 30 4 $. <= 7 and $accum =~ /^(......)?%\!(PS-AdobeFont-1\.|FontType1|PS-Adobe-3\.0\ Resource-Font)/s
233 25 11 0 $. == 1 and /^%\!/
237 25 11 0 $. == 1 and /^\%*\004%\!/ || /.*%\!PS-Adobe/
0 36 0 $. <= 10 and /^%\!PS/
36 0 0 $. <= 10 and /^%\!PS/ and not $maybe_tex
242 0 36 0 $. <= 12 and /^\r?%\&([^\s\n]+)/
250 0 36 0 $. <= 10 and /\s]/i
253 0 36 0 $. <= 10 and /\%auto-include/
317 242 48 4 $. < $lines_to_search and /^[^%]*\\pdfoutput(?:\s+)?=(?:\s+)?1/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
152 28 0 getc $FILE_TO_GUESS || 0
153 28 0 getc $FILE_TO_GUESS || 0
154 28 0 getc $FILE_TO_GUESS || 0
155 28 0 getc $FILE_TO_GUESS || 0
156 28 0 getc $FILE_TO_GUESS || 0
157 28 0 getc $FILE_TO_GUESS || 0
158 28 0 getc $FILE_TO_GUESS || 0
159 28 0 getc $FILE_TO_GUESS || 0
348 3 1 $arXiv::FileGuess::NAME{$type} || 'unknown'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
184 0 0 0 $b4 == 224 || $b4 == 238
189 7 0 17 "PK\cC\cD" eq sprintf('%c%c%c%c', $b1, $b2, $b3, $b4) or "PK00PK\cC\cD" eq sprintf('%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c', $b1, $b2, $b3, $b4, $b5, $b6, $b7, $b8)
237 0 0 11 /^\%*\004%\!/ || /.*%\!PS-Adobe/
0 0 36 $. == 1 and /^\%*\004%\!/ || /.*%\!PS-Adobe/ or $. <= 10 and /^%\!PS/ and not $maybe_tex
243 0 0 0 $1 eq 'latex209' or $1 eq 'biglatex'
0 0 0 $1 eq 'latex209' or $1 eq 'biglatex' or $1 eq 'latex'
0 0 0 $1 eq 'latex209' or $1 eq 'biglatex' or $1 eq 'latex' or $1 eq 'LaTeX'
275 0 0 27 /\\input *(harv|lanl)mac/ or /\\input\s+phyzzx/
317 1 0 294 /^[^%]*\\includegraphics[^%]*\.(?:pdf|png|gif|jpg)\s?\}/i or $. < $lines_to_search and /^[^%]*\\pdfoutput(?:\s+)?=(?:\s+)?1/