Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 46 73.9

line true false branch
27 7 2 if ('Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('connectivity01'))
30 7 2 if ('Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('connectivity02'))
33 7 2 if ('Zonemaster::Engine'->config->should_run('connectivity03'))
131 0 68 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv6_ok and $local_ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Connectivity::IP_VERSION_6)
143 0 68 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv4_ok and $local_ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Connectivity::IP_VERSION_4)
155 29 39 if $ips{$local_ns->address->short}
159 38 1 if ($p) { }
195 0 68 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv6_ok and $local_ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Connectivity::IP_VERSION_6)
207 0 68 if (not 'Zonemaster::Engine'->config->ipv4_ok and $local_ns->address->version == $Zonemaster::Engine::Test::Connectivity::IP_VERSION_4)
219 29 39 if $ips{$local_ns->address->short}
223 38 1 if ($p) { }
268 21 0 if ($raw)
277 21 0 if ($asnref)
287 21 0 if ($prefix)
300 13 0 if ($raw)
309 13 0 if ($asnref)
319 13 0 if ($prefix)
338 3 4 if (@v4asns == 1) { }
4 0 elsif (@v4asns > 1) { }
348 2 5 if (@v6asns == 1) { }
3 2 elsif (@v6asns > 1) { }
358 3 4 if (@all_asns == 1) { }
4 0 elsif (@all_asns > 1) { }