Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 64 23.4

line true false branch
31 0 0 $$Zoidberg::CURRENT{'_builtin_output'} ? :
35 0 0 if ($$Zoidberg::CURRENT{'_builtin_output'}) { }
43 0 0 unless $$Zoidberg::CURRENT{'settings'}{'interactive'}
51 7985 0 unless $$Zoidberg::CURRENT{'settings'}{'debug'} or ${$class . '::DEBUG';}
60 0 10 unless @_ or $@
61 0 10 @_ ? :
71 0 10 unless @dinge > 0
74 0 10 if $type eq 'mute'
77 0 10 if exists $colours{$type} and $$Zoidberg::CURRENT{'settings'}{'interactive'} and $ENV{'CLICOLOR'}
81 0 10 unless ref $dinge[-1]
83 0 10 if ref $_ eq 'Zoidberg::Utils::Output::Scalar'
84 0 10 if (not ref $_) { }
0 10 elsif (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and not grep({ref $_;} @$_)) { }
10 0 elsif (ref $_ eq 'Zoidberg::Utils::Error') { }
0 0 elsif (ref($_) =~ /Zoidberg/) { }
87 0 10 if ($$_{'debug'}) { }
89 10 0 if $$_{'silent'} or $$_{'printed'}++
99 0 10 if $coloured
108 0 0 unless $$Zoidberg::CURRENT{'settings'}{'interactive'}
113 0 0 if $width < 2 * $len
114 0 0 if $width > @items * $len
118 0 0 unless @items % ($cols + 1)
129 0 0 unless ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY'
131 0 0 unless ($$Zoidberg::CURRENT{'settings'}{'interactive'} and defined $width)
138 0 0 if (length $_ > $longest[$i])
143 0 0 if ($record_length <= $width) { }
150 0 0 if ($cols > 1) { }
153 0 0 if ($cols > 1)
181 0 6 if not defined $$s[1] and $$s[2]
187 0 0 unless (defined $$s[2])
188 0 0 ref $$s[1] ? :
0 0 ref $$s[1] eq 'ARRAY' ? :